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20 foot freighter canoe

Done before freeze up ! That's important ! I'd hate to have to wait until next Spring to take her out !

That looks like a lot of rocker ! Looking forward to hearing about the trial run !

Great job on such a large hull !

Congratulations !

You should make some U shaped cradles for it to rest in and you could transport it that way so no need to flip it over. Just sayin. That looks to be one comfy unit.
Launch went ahead this weekend. I only drove it around for a couple of hours, but was very happy with the way it handled. Had it in some very strong winds, 40 k gusts, and with the six horse it did great. Reached a top speed of 19 kph with a tailwind, but suspect the average with a load will be around 16kph. The 1/2 strips and doubled up ten ounce cloth worked very well. When the hull was slapping up and down on the waves it was rock solid. Had five people in it for a cruise, hardly a drop in the bucket. It is difficult to load on and off the trailer alone though, I will have to get the boat trailer ready for next year.
We drove a couple of hours to a friends camp on a large lake.

It was nice to have the extra bodies to drag it into the drink. It doesn't need very much water to float.

Lots of room!

Had a little buddy who had to have a ride in the "Pirate ship".

He was pretty happy !

My buddy and I went out fishing. This is on the way back, at 19 kph.


I might take a break from building for a while, this one took way too much time, and now I have to catch up around the house, get firewood, all that good stuff.
Down right COOL !!!

That last pic tells me you need more weight forward, and it might get to plane ?

Nice work Mem !!!

I love the Plaid Clad Clan pic ! A real thrill for the little guy as well as you !

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That's every bit as awesome as I thought it would be! No-one's safe in G-town now. lol.
Looking forward to further adventures aboard the Black Pearl.
The Black Pearl...hahaha....tagged.

Nice looking boat Mem and a sweet handler by the look of things.
Congratulations Mem, on executing a challenging project so skillfully and well. Thank you for taking the time to post your progress. I've learned a lot and have really enjoyed following along.
Thought I would try out the new site, and update the freighter news. Finally got a trailer this summer, although it was difficult. With Covid pricing, new trailers were going for close to 3000 bucks. Saw a second hand one for sale for 750 200 kilometers from me, so took off to get it. On the way there, the fella called me and asked me if i was still coming for it because several people had offered him more than the asking price. Strange times. Then I had a tarp company down south make a fitted cover for the beast, fits like a glove.

Irene and I have been on quite a few trips this summer with it, great fun. The Chestnut Pal that I had been working on at the same time finally got finished, and I had to do a water delivery of it to my chum.


Hoping to get it out a few more times this year, maybe moose hunting.
I like your your style.
On my way to visit Robin I will stop by for a photo op and to thank you personally for the information you sent me a few years ago.
I am loving the migration, I can log-in from my old laptop and best of all no stickies!!
What a piece of art :) Beautiful lines as we say in Norway "she`s a jewlery on the water"
19 km/hr on a 6 hp is very efficient
Do you think the hull could take a 20 hp with modifications?
I`m looking for designs to give me cruising speed at 45 km/hr but also able to handle choppy waves to 5 ft
Do you think this is a good desiign to go forward with for me?
Thank you for sharing the process
I think if I was looking to go up to a 20 horse, I would check out the traditional freighter design. Tim Marchett has plans, I bought some off him. I'm going out ice fishing for the weekend, when I get back I'll try to find his email address.