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Sasquatch sighting

Mar 5, 2021
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Think I might have been responsible for a Sasquatch sighting last week.

Was solo camping on a fairly secluded lake. The wind was such that fishing from the canoe solo was dang near impossible. I had plenty of time to kill so I figured I’ll hike through the woods to a fishing location.

Weather was crappy (rainy, windy) so i wore my dark colored matching rain gear. Dark brown from head to tow.

Far from camp and miles from any road/civilization. I’m on this isolated shoreline, crouching under low pines.

Then I see a fishing boat slowly putting up the shallow channel into this lake. I continue to watch my bobber and they start fishing the same shoreline about 100m away.

A few minutes go by and I reel my line in to relocate. I start moving and slip on the rocks and fall into the water. I frantically scurry out of the water and into the woods…trees are right up to the shoreline. I then hear them start the boat and unass the lake post haste.

Then I realized. From their perspective they were somewhere they didn’t expect to see another human. Suddenly there’s a huge commotion and all they see is a large bipedal creature, dark brown in color bolting out of the water and disappearing into the forest.
There was a famous Sasquatch story around 1920 in Washington state near Spirit Lake by Mt St Helens. Several Swedish miners were kept awake all night by a family of Squatch trying to break into their cabin. My grandfather talked to them as he was teaching school to homesteader's kids nearby on the Toutle River. There were many newspaper articles about this experience. .

My brother claims to have seen one at night in Oregon in his headlights. He got a good look at it standing by the road. It was covered in long red fur, and smaller than most sightings, maybe a juvenile.

Two years ago at Sonora Pass in the Sierra, I saw disturbing shadows early one morning with no one around. It stopped me in my tracks. I looked for quite awhile but did not see any critters.
Back in the 80's a local character, donned a Guerra suit, and made a few unannounced appearances. Here in small town Iowa, he created quite a stir. Local Sheriff told him to cut it out, he didn't want a Humicide to deal with ! It was funny after everyone found out the truth !
Big Foot would have a tough time hiding here in Iowa !

With todays technology ? you would think something more definitve would show up if there were any around !

Think I might have been responsible for a Sasquatch sighting last week.

Was solo camping on a fairly secluded lake. The wind was such that fishing from the canoe solo was dang near impossible. I had plenty of time to kill so I figured I’ll hike through the woods to a fishing location.

Weather was crappy (rainy, windy) so i wore my dark colored matching rain gear. Dark brown from head to tow.

Far from camp and miles from any road/civilization. I’m on this isolated shoreline, crouching under low pines.

Then I see a fishing boat slowly putting up the shallow channel into this lake. I continue to watch my bobber and they start fishing the same shoreline about 100m away.

A few minutes go by and I reel my line in to relocate. I start moving and slip on the rocks and fall into the water. I frantically scurry out of the water and into the woods…trees are right up to the shoreline. I then hear them start the boat and unass the lake post haste.

Then I realized. From their perspective they were somewhere they didn’t expect to see another human. Suddenly there’s a huge commotion and all they see is a large bipedal creature, dark brown in color bolting out of the water and disappearing into the forest.
Hmm. I checked and you don't appear on this data base. Yet. You may've provided them the best fishing story ever.
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