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Week of BWCA Wind

Nov 14, 2018
Reaction score
Heart of the Shawnee Nation
Boges and I just finished the windiest trip I can remember. Clear from the onset my recent injuries would affect the trip. While I was early enough to beat the crowds to my destination lake, I was spent after crossing the first lake. A prime campsite on a jetty was being vacated, so I decided to stop and make the first 106 rod portage in the morning. It was not to be. Wind bound for 3 days, crowds of pilgrims started showing up, so I decided to base camp there for the duration. Then the wind and strong thunderstorms showed up and made it difficult to fish or go anywhere. On Saturday morning when the wind subsided, we went fishing around the bay and some islands. By 11 am, the wind returned and we only barely made it back to camp before all hell broke loose again.

Mostly northerns and a couple smallies were caught, including one big fella who swallowed the lure and was promptly invited to dinner. A lot of food for one old dude and a dog. Bogan ate more than me.

Then lake was lousy with bald eagles. I counted three pairs and some immature fellas learning to fish. Mom and dad were always nearby. One fella watching me fish all afternoon from camp, or maybe he was sizing up my dog for dinner.

Loons are about my favorite water bird and there were many. They sang me asleep each evening. My old tent still holds back the weather and I’m busy lubing the zippers and cleaning the footprint so it goes as many seasons as I do.


We left yesterday morning, surfing across the big part of the lake and creeping along the leeward side of long islands for the remaining 5 miles. My broken wing held up to stout paddling but is very sore, as is my back to a lesser degree, thanks to the Backsaver I recently purchased. Don’t think I’d have made it without that piece of equipment.

Never again will I attempt to beat a holiday crowd. I did take some enjoyment watching the onslaught from my comfortable camp. Some families with small children had me worried as they headed for the white capping expanse of the big water. Smart ones sought a campsite, including a couple with small children who nearly drowned out the loons from the next camp on the bay until dark, playing joyfully. It was heartwarming to hear them enjoying the experience.

I may do this old man’s base camp, no portage trip again someday, choosing a campsite a little farther south away from the portage traffic, but my hope is to strengthen and heal so I can go like a kid again next year.

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Sounds like it was a good trip despite the wind. Glad to hear the broken wing, as you put it, held up.
A chance just to sit by the campfire at the end of the day makes it all worthwhile whether you have traveled that day or not. Hope I get to do it again someday. Thanks for the post.

Nothing worse than being wind bound for 113 days.
Yes, nearly ate my dog. Not sure how those extra 1s got in there. The next 3 days were calm in the morning, white caps around noon. None of the 6 days were wind free, but I did catch a couple lulls, able to fish a little. Couldn’t make the portage to another lake because there were crowds, and testing my weakness didi’t seem right. Now that I’m home I’m sure the wind has subsided, crowds thinned out, and the fish are jumping into boats.
Nice dog. Luck of the draw. I remember heading out across Basswood Lake in huge swells. Everyone in the group of 8 was wondering what we had gotten into. We were all exhausted the next day, but there was no wind at all and they fell in love with the BWCA. I was out fishing around some shallows and small islands near dark with a friend. I dorsal fin broke the surface and a huge northern took off with a hula popper. We had to go ashore to land him. The fish was the size of my leg. My dog tried to kill it. We released the mighty pike unharmed. It was the largest fresh water fish I have ever caught.