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The Adventures of Ripster, Chapter One

That was just awesome. I am so impressed with people the can write stuff like that. And for the record I too was going to gift the Ripster to Mem if I had won. He certainly deserves it.
And for the record I too was going to gift the Ripster to Mem if I had won. He certainly deserves it.

I think that makes everyone except Canotrouge and Brad's wife. So I guess Mem took out a 2nd mortgage on the house in order to buy more raffle tickets for no reason. He could have won the knife for free!

I wasn't going to share this but I think it's OK since everyone seems to be of the same mind. Robin was initially going to pass on my idea of a fund raiser. I had then secretly decided to do a knife build thread and surprise Mem with the knife in the end. Then the site got hacked and the fund raiser was back on so Mem's knife would have to wait. Or so I thought. Crazy how it all worked out. I guess it was just in the cards.
Geeze, talk about feeling the love! You guys are awesome. You realize that if you actually got to know me, you would have probably bought extra tickets just to prevent me from winning. In any case, you guys are the bomb, and the Ripster has many more adventures to go on yet.
It's weird and wonderful how some things work out sometimes. Or if you believe in fate, how it shuffled the deck and dealt our friend the winning hand, knowing he'd be most in need of a finely crafted knife for defence against a marauding moo moo. However it happened, I'm happy with it all. And my wife will get over it.
I think the Ripster will need a thread of it's own someday, The Adventures of The Ripster or How the Ripster Spent His Summer holidays. Maybe a feature film? Bridge on the River Kap. Apocalypse Now and Then. Kapablanca?

ooh, just one more...My Fair Blady
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"Bridge on the River Kap. Apocalypse Now and Then. Kapablanca? "

That's funny and very clever Odssey!

The real bridge and the Kap River.

Ha ha, what Robin said, very witty Brad. I have fond memories of that trip, I wonder if I would think like that if we had continued paddling on past the bridge and got caught in that hellish micro burst.
Yeah, an afternoon spent in the backcountry being pelted with hail waiting for trees to fall would've been very miserable. Weird thing is, I've only ever experienced hellish hail in vehicles, never anywhere else. Maybe I was a good luck charm? Not so good luck for those trucks. You sure get some nasty weather up north. And down east. And west. And down south. I must be living in a calm pocket of serene weather. Thanks to me. But just what do you do if a micro burst threatens? I suppose I'd find a younger stand of trees to keep me company, if I couldn't find a clearing? Those might be in short supply where I go. Go sit on the shoreline, or perhaps lay there under the canoe? And if you all were with me, and considered me good luck, I suppose it would be a cozy fit under that canoe.
Been in several microbursts...first memorable one was on the water, ended up getting on land and getting the family under the canoe, where we hung on to it while it blew about and absorbed the bulk of the storm. I was taking some Polish people on a trip once, they spoke no english, but some French. Microburst hit while we were on a small river, only had time to pull over and put rain jacket on, but Poles had their's stashed deep in their packs, so they just took the hail right on their tee-shirts. I had on a Filson Tin Cloth coat, and was feeling some pain, so they must have been getting it real good. 10 minutes later when it disappeared and the sun came out, they were laughing and putting fists full of hail in their drinks. Last summer, my wife and my sister in law and i got caught in a big one in my new Eureka 6 man Taron tent. If I had bothered to tie out all of the guy ropes, it might have been alright, but as it was, the two of them were leaning against the windward side to keep it from collapsing while I was running around in my gitch in the hail trying to peg the sucker down.

Those microbursts are the reason the first thing I look at in a campsite up here is at trees. Anything that looks like it could come down on a tent meets the smoking teeth of death.
We did the " lean against the side of the tent to keep it upright " trick once too. With biblical rain and lightning to spice things up. Of course we had camped on a rock point to beat the bugs. Scary crap man. I fully expected to get fried before the night was over. Imagine my disappointment when we ended up merely a tad damp. Nothing ever happens to me.

Wabakimi.. got on the water.Safer than on land
Temagami.. hunkered.. Little hail
Green River. Mothers day gift of hail.. No thanx
BWCA: both of us holding up the tent. We thought the weather was clearing .. had our jeans out to dry and our boat basking in t he sun untethered. See wall of water. Dive into tent and hold it up. Many lessons re the rest of the gear that day especially when the canoe became a kite and self launched for a solo trip.

Not always bad luck. At least we were not camping on a chickee during yesterdays tornadoes.
Adirondacks. Micro burst felled pine tree between our tent and kids.. and did not touch either. Scared the bejeezus out of me.

I'd like to see the Ripster applied to a boa constrictor. Poetic squeeze
3 pages of talking lots and only 4 pictures of the Ripster, and not cutting anything:rolleyes:.... Get on it Mem, this thing is supposed to be super sharp and staying that way for a long time, so don't be afraid to use it on something real like slicing Spam right through the can... A video would be good... But we will consider pictures!!
The Ripster and I went snowshoeing again last night. I gotta tell you, I was glad he came along. About 300 meters in there was a fresh set of wolf tracks coming down the trail. Then they just ended. I couldn't figure it out for a minute, there were no spots to the side where he had jumped off the trail. As I looked at the tracks closer, I saw that he must have been coming down the trail at the same time I was going up. He turned around and doubled back about another 200 meters, where he met his other two friends. They then all proceeded to the "Y" in the trail that makes the loop. Two went down toward the lake, one went on the ridge. I'm never worried about wolves, but at this point I was thinking something was up. The tracks weren't running, they were barely ambling along, like they were just staying in front of me.

Anyway, I unleashed the Ripster and hit it with that headlight to flash it around, and followed the single track trail. When I circled back to the lake, the biggest one on the lower trail had beat me there, and followed my trail out onto the lake. That trail goes for about 500 meters, and then connects with a land trail that joins back up with the main trail. I checked the entrance to the main trail, no tracks, so the big fella was still somewhere on that little loop. I decided to skip that part of the trail for the night.

As I booked it back, I could see where the other two had been hunting ahead of me. One would jump off the trail and try to flush stuff out to the one waiting on the trail, pretty much the same way my Dad used to use me when we were bird hunting. It was an interesting night, I had a strong sense of being watched for most of the trail. If I go tonight, I'm going to try to find someone to go with me who's slower.

PS. Canot, working on the video, lots of cutting going to be going on.
Says the lady who ignited a river of naptha at a camp site.

It was more of a small creek of burning naptha, but yeah there is that. OTHER than that though, seriously nothing ever happens. Cuts, burns, capsizes, bears...that sort of thing, maybe. But epic crap like lightning stikes or hand to hoof death stuggles with lonely frozen cows, that's what I'm talking about.