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The Adventures of Ripster, Chapter One

Feb 1, 2013
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Geraldton, Ontario
I’m sure some of you here think I might be a bullsh$tter, but I can honestly say that the vagaries of my life surprise me more than a two dollar paperback.

For instance, last week, at the entrance to my favorite snow shoe trail, a transport truck carrying 65 head of cattle, ran into a pulp truck, carrying a double load of spruce. Although 50 of the cows died immediately, no logs were hurt.

The logging truck ambled on after the trucks were disengaged, but a dozen cows escaped and were floundering in the snow. They left the livestock truck full of dead cows right in the parking lot bedside my trail. When I arrived to go snowshoeing, the stench was enough to knock a buzzard off a crap wagon. Naturally, every wolf from 160 miles converged on the spot.

I decided to give snow shoeing a rest for a week. Tonight, I decided to start it up again.

The Moon, The Wolf, The Cow and Ripster

Full moon burns at 40 below,
Lighting up the Ripster with an ethereal glow
Get up off your arse you big fat thing
And make those snow shoes slide and sing.

Them 50 dead cows are all long gone
It’s safe in the moonlight with the Ripster along
No wolf nor coyote nor wolverine
Will stand up to the Ripsters Satiny sheen.

So off I go in the dead of the night
My knife, wool pants and trusty head light
Down the path of the cows, poor old Daisy
Impaled by some spruce trees, the world is crazy.

300 meters in and I see some tracks
Wolf thinks me, as my snowshoes back track
Says I to me-self, don’t be a chicken
That canoe tripping crowd will give you a lickin’

Spurred on by the thoughts of that brave canoe trip crowd
I hear a snap snap, it’s pretty f#ck’n loud!
I look to the left, I look to the right
My stomach churns in pre-poopy fright!

I hear a growl and look down the trail
Horrible yellow eyes make my bowels fail
I run like the devil out onto the lake
The thing runs after me sliding like a snake.

Pulling out the Ripster, I slide to a stop
F You I scream to a chorus of clops
I run for the bush as fast as I can
The thing follows faster, quicker than a man

I turn once again and show it the knife
Come any closer I’ll end your evil life
It bellows and screams and and I slash it through
And then I hear a horrible moo

I stare in horror at my terrible feat
The Ripster cuts clean, clean through the meat
Poor old Daisy lies there, bleeding in the snow
The last surviving cow, and I struck it low.

Strange things are done under the northern skies
The Ripster and I we tell no lies
It’s prime rib time at the old Haslam homestead
No point crying over another cow that is dead.

Memequay and the Hunger Moon

The haunting Hunger Moon
'oer frozen February night,
has a deathly sallow face
when it follows footsteps light.

A wailing echoed plea
from a tortured wandering soul,
emits a plaintive cry
as from a blackened hole.

An intrepid boreal bard
with hastened step he plods,
to search for ethereal ghosts
and with snowshoed feet he's shod.

A steely knife on hip
and with piercing eyes he armed,
into the Snow Moon land
he walks as one who's charmed.

But from a snowy shroud
out leaps a frozen shape,
with deadly molar fangs
and belching jaws agape.

The satin steely blade's
withdrawn from leather sheath,
to meet the howling demon
with flashing pearly teeth.

A mighty battle's fought
between mortal man and foe,
and blood is freely spilt
staining moonlight on the snow.

When all it seems is lost
an Iowan edge is flashed,
to end a thread of life
a final arc is slashed.

There is no tale so grand
as one that's told this night,
about a humble man
who's waged a bovine fight.

A matriarchal moo
will haunt him in his dreams,
and leave him awfully scarred
so udderly it seems.

But should another night
befall this honest fool,
he'll go with better weapons
like milking pail and stool.

Lest ye who laughs and jeers
at he our tripping friend,
be not so quick to judge
this mighty of all men.

For none so gallant brave
has ever proved such might,
as when this plaid clad hero
fought under Snow Moon light.

There was a time before
when spirits roamed the earth,
before we sang our songs
with merriment and mirth.

So do not laugh too loud
as boreal ghosts can ruin,
a lonely late night walk
under your Hunger Moon.

Curious what the Canyon Fairy might have to add.

The Canyon Fairy, distraught with vision of baby rabbit guts being spilled, was rooting for Canis lupus to cache a winter supply of spam fed endomorph. The saggy tits are the tastiest part.
Ya know, maybe it's a good thing we all live miles apart. If we ever all got together at one place I'm sure we would make it into the news. But not in a good way.
Ya know, maybe it's a good thing we all live miles apart. If we ever all got together at one place I'm sure we would make it into the news. But not in a good way.

Yeah, but by god it would be a meet up for the ages, and I'm pretty sure my cheeks would hurt from laughing.
Ya know, maybe it's a good thing we all live miles apart. If we ever all got together at one place I'm sure we would make it into the news. But not in a good way.

Life's not getting any longer! Lot's of Americans have come my way, think it might be time for me to get a passport.
Men. You are better off developing properties where you are. Come next November you might be making a bundle of dough.
We'll put up with Bud Light
Ha ha, I do have the winter tent for rent in the back yard, I'll supply wood for the stove too. Plus spam. I have faith though in the American people! I'm not one to get involved in politics, but I would think it quite strange if Trump prevailed.