• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Knife build / canoetripping.net fund raiser thread.

All this steel talk sent me down memory lane. Sorry.
While all my high school friends went straight off to University, I took a detour. I worked in a steel mill in the byproduct department, where they capture and ship stuff like caustic soda, benzene, toluene, and anhydrous ammonia from the coke making process. Fun stuff. The closest I got to the actual steel making was when I'd sneak through a gap in the chain link fence to walk across the railyards to a little factory canteen. They made the best toasted bacon-egg sandwich this side of heaven. I'd take it and the coffee several stories up to a cat-walk above my corner of the factory world and survey my domain. Especially good view at night! Best place for an atmospheric read of Lord of the Rings. You could actually feel like you were in Mordor with the leaking steam lines, ghostly lamps, fiery heaps of burning coke tumbling out of the ovens, and a distant orange glow of the hot mills...
Later on I went to a foundry job. That foundry was probably the worst place for it's total lack of worker safety anywhere. Harrowing stuff we did. But there were fun times too. I got to wash the boss's Cadillac! It was a sunny spring day, and all the guys were livid that I was being taken advantage of by the big rich boss man, but I loved getting out of the black and cindery Dickensian hole into the bright sunshine. I stretched that lunch hour as long as humanly possible. The guys stepped out and were immediately embarrassed for me, poor me. I put on a stupid show of goofing off with the boss's car. We had a good laugh until Mr Big came out. I held out my hand for a tip and got a stern sneer instead. Ha!! They were good guys. One evening after a gritty dirty shift my young wife came in with our baby (our first). Being Christmas I insisted on introducing my young family to my long suffering foundry fellows. I was covered totally in gritty soot, the only "me" you could see were my eyes. By then I knew every one by name, so could introduce them all. Serge, Ti-Jean, Maurice, Claude...They swept me and my young family off to the tiny lunch room where they produced from nowhere a case of beer, and we spent the next hour toasting each other and the coming year. Good times.
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I am on day 4 of the Klik-less diet, I didn't want to make it public and cause people to worry about me. Day one and two were tough, I was despondent and crabby as hell. My wife kept saying, "just eat the Klik, you're unbearable". Day four has dawned with a bright and vibrant feeling in my lower intestine. I dreamed of eating vegetables all night, and I have a strong desire to shave my head and wear a safron robe. A spider was crawling in the living room, and my wife shrieked at me to kill it. I raised up the fly swatter to nail him, and then stopped mid swing. Poor little spider, he doesn't deserve to die! So my wife finished him off. When I saw poor little spidey all squished, I started to cry.

I don't know how much longer I can go on like this. Please, people, for the love of God, vote Mirror finish! Do you want to be responsible for turning me into caring, sympathetic human being? KLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK! I need Klik!
My wife is concerned that you would give up Klick so soon after your bout with Ebola. You need your strength to get fully back on your feet.
I have good news and bad news. The good news is you're getting in touch with your sensitive side.
The bad news is you have a sensitive side.
Oh, and you've got about 36 more days to go before you're fully purged of all those hallucinogenic toxins. Have fun with it.
Day four has dawned with a bright and vibrant feeling in my lower intestine. I dreamed of eating vegetables all night, and I have a strong desire to shave my head and wear a safron robe. A spider was crawling in the living room, and my wife shrieked at me to kill it. I raised up the fly swatter to nail him, and then stopped mid swing. Poor little spider, he doesn't deserve to die!

This is wonderful news! Welcome to the Zen Paddlers Society, we're happy to have you. You'll appreciate the freedom the robes offer when going to the bathroom and you can't beat the cool breeze blowing across your thighs on a humid August afternoon. We only ask that you remember cross your legs when sitting around the campfire when others are present.

Signed: Your shaven headed vegetable eating non-spider killing friend, Brother Alan

20150816_007 by Alan, on Flickr

Oh, I almost forgot. To fully join the Zen Padders Society you'll have to leave your booze and cigarettes at home as well. See you on the water!
Mem, while you are fasting I decided to carry the ball for you for a bit. I was out Christmas shopping Saturday and picked up some of that fatty goodness you enjoy so much. I just don't know where to start. It will be the hickory smoke or the Hormel bacon, the lite can is for diet purposes after the first of the year. Maybe I'll have to cut some up with the Ripster when he is done.
You know, Mem, the home of SPAM is just a stone's throw away from us in Austin, MN. You can swing by when you drive down to pick up your knife.

I live in a mostly Hispanic area of town. They sell chorizo spam at the local grocery stores. I like it for breakfast burritos.
You know, Mem, the home of SPAM is just a stone's throw away from us in Austin, MN. You can swing by when you drive down to pick up your knife.


We can go for a paddle, and we will provide the stripper (canoe) !
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I don't know how I missed the last two pages, but ha ha ha there's some funny stuff there. Alan I aspire to be like you, but I only last about five minutes till my various vices take over. In the past, I've tried to quit everything at once, but my body goes into quivering spasms, so I'm going to work on one thing at a time from now on. The first thing will be my spam addiction. I'm over a week now and holding strong, despite all of the delectable little spam cans Rippy has posted to tempt me. If I make it to New Years, I'm gonna quit the cigarettes. No more Spam cans serving as impromptu ash trays, the sweet smell of spammy grease frying under a cigarette butt.......

One of these days when I get clean, when I'm good and Spammed-off, I will drive down to visit you guys. But with that Spam museum lurking around the corner.......that sounds like a real wagon to fall off of!
I don't know how I missed the last two pages, but ha ha ha there's some funny stuff there. Alan I aspire to be like you, but I only last about five minutes till my various vices take over. In the past, I've tried to quit everything at once, but my body goes into quivering spasms, so I'm going to work on one thing at a time from now on. The first thing will be my spam addiction. I'm over a week now and holding strong, despite all of the delectable little spam cans Rippy has posted to tempt me. If I make it to New Years, I'm gonna quit the cigarettes. No more Spam cans serving as impromptu ash trays, the sweet smell of spammy grease frying under a cigarette butt.......

One of these days when I get clean, when I'm good and Spammed-off, I will drive down to visit you guys.

Yeah, but by then you'll be no fun. You'll all sit around sipping mocha Chai nibbling kale chips reminiscing about the bad old days. Some of us will still be living them large. (lol)
Well that was easy enough. I guess the Ripster's blade is going to be a satin finish. Thanks again to Odyssey for organizing the finish vote thread. It's off to the workshop to work on the Ripster.
Well here is my version of a satin finish. Unfortunately I can't take a knife blade picture to save my soul. I went out side and took a second picture in natural light and it looks more representative of the finish. As far as the process goes I have to power sand the blade just as smooth as if I were to polish it to a mirror finish. Then starting with 800 grit drag the paper in one direction only from guard area to tip following the contour. No back and forth sanding what so ever as you cant get the zig zags back out if you do. I swear satin shows everything, even 1000 grit zig zags. I use WD40 as a lube as I sand. It seems to serve two purposes. It keeps the paper from loading up and it seems to help the paper to cut faster. Anyway, when it's looking scratch free with 1000 grit I switch to 2000 grit and drag the blade exposing a fresh sharp paper area each stroke. If you sand with dull paper at this point you will polish the blade back up. If anyone cares I spent about four hours between going back and forth to the sander and hand sanding. It would have taken me about the same amount of time to polish it. In either case it never fails that when you are getting close you discover a scratch that is deep enough to require power sanding so you power sand and start finishing it all over. Can't seem to see these things till you are almost done.


I like this picture better. If anything the blade looks shinier then it actually is. If some one wins it and feels it's too shiny they can feel free to scuff it up with some 1000 grit. Going to go cook lunch now. Thinking of opening that bacon flavored Spam and giving it a try. Dave
