• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Explain Your Screen Name

I took up canoeing as an adult (late 30's). I quickly fell in with the local racers so hit and switch technique was perfectly respectable, but after a while I came to realize that I needed a good same-side cruising stroke. Searching around online I found the classic Bill Mason / National Film Board videos, and studying those I taught myself the J-stroke (and a bit of the pitch, Canadian, Indian). I clearly remember the dorky cheerful look on Bill Mason's face as he demonstrated the newbie "gooney stroke". For some reason that's what popped into my head when I registered here.

I'm well aware that one can go to urbandictionary.com and come up with a more risque explanation, but that's definitely not what I mean.
Mine is pretty simple, after paddling and racing in the Adirondacks for many years, I was invited by a local team to join them to paddle in the Yukon River Quest one year, which I did with great joy as navigator and bow paddler. The following year we raced the first ever Yukon River 1000 mile race, and then again two years later. In all I have raced the YRQ three times, and the Y1K twice. Hopefully I am not finished yet. Hence my handle of Yukon Paddler shortened without vowels to Yknpdlr.
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Hence my handle of Yukon Paddler shortened without vowels to Yknpdlr.

Ancient Hebrew script, that in which the Hebrew Bible (aka Old Testament) was written, had no vowels. This does not require a conclusion that you are ancient or Hebrew, but only that you are practicing a world-wide, best-selling art. (And I wanted to juice today's posts over 60.)
I'm an IT man. I sit in front of computer screens with green text on a black background, all day, every day (because that contrast is the least headache-inducing). One of my biggest strengths is network engineering. In a nutshell, I build computer networks for a living.

In layman's terms, information is sent through computer networks in "packets". (look up packet-switched vs circuit-switched networks for a broader explanation).

When there's a problem with something I'm working on, I have a tendency to immediately want to instantly delve into the nuts&bolts of those information packets getting sent back&forth. To a layman, it can look intimidating. To my coworkers, I just look geeky. It's somewhat of a pretentious screen name, but it does fit me - when there's a problem, I'm the dude sitting there looking to the Matrix for a solution.
My screen name came from the first back country ski forum I was on. It describes my preference to ski slopes that won't kill me by avalanche. I decided to keep the same user name when I joined here so people on both forums (if there were any) would know who I am. I am now on two canoe forums and two ski forums with the same name.

I do go by another name over at the ice cream forum if any of you are over there. I go by "HalfGallonAlan" for obvious reasons.;)
I always assumed your screen name was based on a paddle stroke, I know you ski but never imagined your name was tied to skiing!
Along the lines of assumptions, MDB and I disagreed on the intentions behind a vanity plate we saw last week.
The plate read:


5 out of 6 of assumed a particular inference, MDB insisted it was an anagram for:


Perception. Is such a funny thing!!
I thought it was an aviation term preceding your given name Al. Aaand I was wrong. Well, might as well fill in that rabbit hole.
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-I was a Combat Engineer in the Army Route Clearance was part of the job.
-After leaving I got a job as a Building Maintenance Custodian for the USPS
-BC* I was hiking the 4,000'rs in the White Mtn of NH. To avoid the crowds I always started before dawn but had to deal with the spiderwebs
-When hiking and now canoeing I motivate people to keep up with the group

*Before Canoeing