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Canoe Tripping Fundraiser & Raffle

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Here's the long-awaited, much-anticipated video of the 2021 gift exchange: [Deleted] Enjoy!

Thanks again to all who participated and contributed.

Here's the list of the results:

1) Bigdog: The Lonely Land (Olson), Reflections from Canoe Country (Angus), Freshwater Saga (Morse), from Patrick Corry;

2) Colorado Mike: Custom Dry bag tags, from Kayak Ken;

3) Jatfomike: Two yards of heat sealable fabric, red flag and multi-color flag, from Mike McCrea;

4) Myron Killebrew: $50 gift card to LL Bean or Cabelas, from Dcloots;

5) Rick R: Canvas paddle bag for Ottertail or Beavertail, from Canotrouge;

6) Snapper: Shop or shed wall sign, from anonymous (or announceamoose);

7) Dagger: Building the Maine Guide Canoe (Stelmok) and Canoecraft (Moores & Mohr), from bluecanoed;

8) Barry Rains: Choice of multi-tool, puukko knife blade and handle blank for you to make your own knife, or a 24”x36” print of a Kennebec canoe, from Boatman53;

9) Sweeper: Adirondack Park Map pack, from Billconner;

10) Otto Syracuse:
(Book) Franklin, Oops, Mud and Cupcake (Pitt), from PaddlingPitt;

11) Zac: Choice of hand carved wooden spoon or small Sami leather pouch, from Snapper;

12) Pook: Amazon Echo Dot (3[SUP]rd[/SUP] generation), from Glenn MacGrady;

13) Patrick Corry: 50’ of 2mm orange Reflective Glowire, 50’ of orange Guywire Accessory Cord and eight 2mm bar tensioners, from Lawson Equipment;

14) Chip: Red canoe overhang flag and multi-color tarp flag, from Mike McCrea;

15) Chesseandbeans: Western Canoeing & Kayaking 40” x 60” center airbag (NIB, never used), from PaddlingPitt;

16) Latremorej: 40” ash yoke, from DougD;

17) D Grimm: Custom knock-down reflector oven, from LanceR;

18) Mike McCrea: REI or MEC $25 gift card, from Cheeseandbeans

To the gifters: Several of you may need e-mail or contact info for the giftees. I will get up with you by pm in that regard.
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Thanks Dave for all your work and all the people that offered up gifts to help boost donations to keep this site up and running.
Thanks, Dave

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to all the donors of both $$ and prizes.

D Grimm, please hit me with a private message with your contact info so we can figure out what kind and size of reflector oven I'm making.....

Best regards to all,

Thanks, Doug. Cookie manages to worm her way into everything I try to do, as puppies will. As you saw, she even found a way to sneak in a non-speaking, on-screen cameo early in the video!

She is about to get her first canoe ride. Looking forward to that! She is already routinely retrieving sticks thrown into the river.
Dave, many thanks for that video, and for the other things you do. And, as important but unrecognized, don’t do.

Cookie was ready for her close up Mr. DeMille, and I wanted to see her. I kept expecting a gust of wind to blow the slips of paper or dry bag into the river. If there is a blooper roll from when you tried in the canoe let’s have a look. I can hear the Benny Hill theme song already.

A few notes, and a few confessions.

First, I WON, I WON, I WON! I have never won anything in my life. Thank you Cheeseandbeans. REI card please; I will spend it wisely, probably for something REI Outlet on-sale. Look, new polarized sunglasses for $1.27.

Dave, the weird cash donation from C.H “Slow Mo” Poodleski was also from me. I was just messing with you, and wasn’t sure what to do if “Slow Mo” had actually won something.

And, YAY, everything I need to mail ships within the US; no pricey postage or customs forms. I’ll try to send a PM (guest message or chat) to the following folks with my Gmail to get your address, and/or vice versa PM a (guest/chat message works) to me. An exchange of e-mail addresses would work best for me.

Chip, how about you just stop by the shop next time you are up this way. I’d like to include a handy Gator Clip with the tarp flag, and other knickknacks. Maybe some of those Sgt Knots or Conk Big Boy cord locks ALSG wants but can’t have.

Jatfomike, depending on what you might plan to make with the heat sealable Packcloth depends on how I cut it to send. That roll of Packcloth has an angle / already cut on one end, which would be a good low-waste starting point for making a tapered dry bag or partial bow spray skirt. The other end of the roll is straight cut and more useful/less waste for cylindrical dry bags or etc. I’ll include a couple yards of visqueen plastic already cut to fabric width for making templates. (Don’t use the wife’s iron)

Patrick Corry, Lawson Equipment sent the Glowire, Guywire and bar tensioners to me, so I’ll need to mail them to you. Let us know what you think of the cordage and bar tensioners. I love the incredible reflectivity of their Glowire (never had the non-reflective Guywire before) and the little 2mm bar tensioners are the bomb for use with their 2mm cordage.

And, finally, another confession. Snapper, I am Anonamouse, and the Fermented Molasses Lover’s shop or shed sign is a bit of a joke. I will tuck in a multi-color tarp flag and a red overhang flag to make amends for my crappy prize mischief.

P4130001 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr

Already cut 10 x 12, suitable for framing ;-)
Mike - Thanks for no longer being anonymous! I'll send you my address via a PM. Can't wait for the swag to arrive. The overhang flag will replace an old red bandana.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.


PS - DaveO - Thanks for doing this; and everything else. Truly appreciated.
D Grimm has contacted me. Hopefully we'll be talking soon so he can tell me just what he's looking for in a reflector oven......

Best regards to all,

Prizes are in the mail (except Chip’s). I threw in some extra geegaws for each winner; traffic ticket like Paddling Citations, with categories for Shuttle Violations, River Violations, Equipment Violations and Put in/Take out violations. Have fun “ticketing” your friends to make light of their difficulties and foibles.

So that I could mail them as a flat or (barely) fit in a box there are no attachments on any of the flag cords. I just use a minibeener on the red overhang flags, clipped to the stern painter loop or etc. I find a Gator Clip handy to have on the tarp windsock flags; it provides a back up if you blow out a grommet or webbing loop, or just need an extra pole at some otherwise un-attachable place on the tarp.


My local hardware store sells them individually.

Jatfomike, I unrolled the Visqueen I use for templates and found that I only had a few feet left over already cut to that 58” fabric width. I stuck in what I had left before getting around to cutting more, and added the template I used for making giant ALPS chair bags, just to give you a sense of the template shape for cylindrical bags.

Once you are familiar with the template shape measuring and cutting templates for custom cylindrical dry bags is a snap. Tapered bags get trickier, it’s best to make a cylindrical bag first for practice. A little extra length on cylindrical bags doesn’t hurt, you can always roll it further down, or stuff something else on top.

The heat sealable Packcloth is packaged folded; it pays to roll it tightly around a piece of pipe or closet rod for a week to remove the wrinkles. Same for the visqueen. I’m psyched to see what you eventually make. Once you have made one custom dry bag you’ll want others; we have custom dry bags for sleeping pads, chairs, tapered stem bags and even a shoe bag for family trip footwear.

Custom dry bags; I don’t think it is worth the time and effort to replicate something like a standard 20, 30 or 55L dry bag.


DaveO: Thank you for handling this year's event! Hope it didn't stress you too much.

Bigdog (Chuck): your books are heading to the post office this afternoon.

Mike McCrea: Thank you for handling the Lawson Equipment donation... to whom do I address a thank you at Lawson?
Mike McCrea: Thank you for handling the Lawson Equipment donation... to whom do I address a thank you at Lawson?

Patrick, my contact at Lawson was Danielle at


I sent Danielle a link to the video, and another thank you for Lawson’s donation.

I think you’ll like the reflectivity of the Glowire for trip-able tarp and tent lines, and maybe the Guywire for overhead use. Bar tensioners too, especially if you are on a trip where companions are mystified by half hitches.

As mentioned in this thread Glowire, and probably Guywire (never even opened the bag to see), while snarl-free, are rougher textured than some other cordage. I don’t tie it directly to the webbing loops on my Tundra Tarp, but to a more sacrificial length of paracord or etc.

Mike: I shoulda known. The return address is Oakridge MN but it is postmarked Harrisburg. Yuck Yuck.

Slow mo photo.JPG
Dave, that is a real address and zip code; my bad sloppy handwriting, its NJ.

Schlomo Poodleski was a late artist friend’s alter ego, I just changed it to “Slowmo”, which sounded more like a canoeist’s handle. I was really hoping you wouldn’t pull Slowmo’s name.
Hmm.. Sound suspiciously like a package of two pounds of umm...organic agricultural products my oldest brother sent another brother in around 1970 with a return address of 123 High Times Lane.... You could smell that box from five or six feet away.

Oops, in wrapping up the prizes I may have neglected to include a multi-color flag in someone’s package; I seem to have extra.

If you were supposed to receive one and don’t please let me know; my bad, and they are inexpensive to mail separately.

And Chip, if you are jonsing for some frou-frou flags I’d be happy to put yours in an envelope, sans Gator Clip and other trinkets.

EDIT: OK, even if I did include a multi-color flag in each package I have quite a few. Don’t think I need six of them, unless I want to get om mani padme hum Saga Dawa under my tarp.


Bonus gift exchange prize; first person who wants one and sends me a mailing address gets one.
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