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Yukon River 2019

Agree with Cano on this one.
The smaller chunks are more manageable for me - and i like the daily doses (last weekend with the site issues and no PaddlingPitt was not good...)

Really appreciate your honest assessment of Canadian Tire,too. Seems their level of service is "consistent", regardless of the location! Arrggghhh!


There is a few place I don't go ever, Canadian Tire for mechanical jobs on my vehicles, and Tim Horton for anything... I have an awesome mechanic in town and we have way to many great coffee local coffee shop to waste my money on bad coffee and food!! But that is just me... No starbuck either...
Yeah, I much prefer chapters or episodes rather than one whole epic read. In any case I thank you for posting whichever trip you've taken in whatever style you choose. This Yukon TR has been another thoroughly enjoyable read. Glad and heartened to know Shadow has grown into a happier better adjusted canine. That's a very good result.
I like the way you post it now, I look forward to new installments and plan my day around it......HaHa, I'm retired, I don't plan my day, I just do what I feel like doing.

Thanks, it was a fun read, another feather in Canoetripping.nets cap.
I'm enjoying your trip reports also !
I also like the reports segmented. It gives me something to look forward too !

Thanks !

Thanks for taking the time to share your journeys. Personally I enjoy your reports in bite size pieces, gives me something to look forward to at the end of the day.
that being said, whatever format you wish to share them in, I will be awaiting the next one.
Yup, I will reiterate what everyone else says, I really enjoy the chapters. Sometimes when I'm out and about, I'll check the site through my phone, see a new instalment and stop whatever I am doing to read the latest addition. Perhaps while we wait for your next adventure, you could write a fictionalized canoe report, and just throw random pictures in, lol.
Reading a multi-day trip report in multiple parts posted over several days is great! It's more like the experience of being on a multi-day trip. You don't know how it will end and you can't skip ahead.
Thank you for taking the time to post this report. As always it was a pleasure to read and follow along on your adventures. As for how you post, I would have to agree with the majority so far and say that I like the installment method but you do whatever makes it easiest or provides you the most pleasure.

PS: I always get a kick out of those who are afraid to drive high-mileage vehicles. Honestly, if you don't think it will run for another 5,000 miles, why waste money changing the oil? (long live the Econoline!)
I'm also in the chapter camp. You are a talented story teller with exceptional stories to share. I really enjoyed this trip report. Thank you very much!