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Why don't past owners (except Robin) contribute to this site anymore?

Dec 8, 2013
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Used to be that Doug D was a frequent poster, and Dave O was too.... let alone Mike Mcrea is still a prolific story teller on MYCCR....have they been banned?
I have no idea but I doubt anyone has been banned. I don't know their reasons for not participating here anymore but I could see where, after trying to run this place for a while, it might be nice to get away from it. It might have taken the fun out it for them.

I have my own thoughts on this from my experience and conversations with Doug and Dave O but it’s best they be kept to myself.
As far as McCrea, he was a very active member of the original Northeast Paddlers Message Board and Paddling.net, he did the same thing there as he did to Canoetripping, just left the site one day. He is now active over at Canadian Canoe Routes, pretty much rehashing the same stuff he used here, i.e. friends who visit his shop and mini cell cup holders.
I happen to know that Mike left for reasons similar to myself. A realization that net life was taking too much time away from real life. Priorities were set, in my case for somewhat arbitrary reasons, and Canoetripping got set on the back burner. I'll admit it was rude to walk out without an explanation, but once the decision was made, coming on to explain it seemed like that would lead to staying. Maybe others will come back at some point. I'd like to think that I'm more in control of my online time - enough to pop in here more than when I have a question.
I'd be willing to bet whatever you'd like that nobody got banned (probably ever) and I've always considered it best not to speculate why someone stopped posting. Having said that (& especially during the height of Covid), I've sent a few "are you ok?" private messages to frequent posters who suddenly stopped. Invariably, it seemed that most were just fine and that's the important part.

Like any community, people come & go as their interests (and / or time available to pursue those interests) change. I think that's just part of the online experience.
No member has ever been banned during my administration other than a few one-time commercial spammers who managed to sneak through our registration defenses and got reported. All the many former posters who have left for reasons unknown are of course welcome to come back and post here, and DougD, DaveO and Mike McCrea specifically have been told that by me personally.

I'm trying to build this site into the most inclusive, the most comprehensive, the most universal, the most informative, the most interesting, and hence the best all-around canoeing site on the internet. To do that, a continuous infusion of thread starters and quality posters is necessary. Canoeists who are interested in (1) projecting their experiences, knowledge, opinions and love of canoeing to future generations—along with (2) projecting and memorializing their own written and photographic legacies, and hence their canoeing lives, into the future—should consider posting on this site. Posting on another stable canoeing site, in addition, might enhance both of those goals for some folks.

Those are my beliefs for myself personally and for this site. Banning or discouraging anyone from posting—other than for serious and persistent rule violations, which has never happened—would be antithetical to those beliefs.
I used to participate in many woodworking and metalworking forums but find I only have time for two plus canoetripping. One of those I poke my nose in a couple times a week but rarely post as I don’t want to get into lengthy discussions. For me, canoetripping is the most friendly and courteous group of like minded folks I know.
I'm relatively new here but in culling through some archives I have noticed a relative prolific poster from the past under the title "guest," who may or may not also be the famed MikeMcCrea. Is that right?
I'm relatively new here but in culling through some archives I have noticed a relative prolific poster from the past under the title "guest," who may or may not also be the famed MikeMcCrea. Is that right?

Yes, that is correct. I believe, somewhere along the line, there was a software glitch or something and all his old posts lost his name and reverted to "Guest."

Since, as far as I know, the site does not allow guests it's a pretty safe bet that when you see "guest' it's probably Mike.

I have my own thoughts on this from my experience and conversations with Doug and Dave O but it’s best they be kept to myself.
As far as McCrea, he was a very active member of the original Northeast Paddlers Message Board and Paddling.net, he did the same thing there as he did to Canoetripping, just left the site one day. He is now active over at Canadian Canoe Routes, pretty much rehashing the same stuff he used here, i.e. friends who visit his shop and mini cell cup holders.
I used to get together regularly with a nice group of paddlers that included Conk, NT(not many people would know him here), Ness and her husband Dave, McCrea on occasion, and a number of other PNet originals ... one who took me to Dave Curtis's shop, I ended up buying a used Kestrel... been to the Midwest Canoe Symposium multiple times...got my Magic and Wildfire autographed by Dave Yost at his house....and as life goes, people people went their different ways and the group disbanded for life changes, etc....It seemed like all at once, these people quit pNet like Robin mentioned above so I guess that's a normal progression ......Doug D too..
Internet communities are dependent on the personalities, moderation and a functioning platform. I used to hang out at Myccr a lot, but changes in ownership and moderation caused me to be an infrequent participant. At the same time, Robin took over this site, and for quite a while we had a rollicking good time, lots of laughs shared, spitting coffee out my nose in the morning was a regular event. Who could forget when axe maker extraordinaire Heiki called me a fatty, lol. I did begin to loose interest in this site when it was facing lots of technical problems, but Glenn rescued it from that with this beautiful new platform.

There is something special going on at Canoetripping.net, so we have to enjoy it while we have it. It is one of the last quality hangouts in the new world of multiple facebook groups, where some dude with zero experience spends several paragraphs lecturing a pro on how to paddle.
As far as McCrea, he was a very active member of the original Northeast Paddlers Message Board and Paddling.net, he did the same thing there as he did to Canoetripping, just left the site one day. He is now active over at Canadian Canoe Routes, pretty much rehashing the same stuff he used here, i.e. friends who visit his shop and mini cell cup holders.
I kinda did the same thing my last 4 or 5 years in construction. When I took a new job it was a lot easier to keep using all my old jokes rather than come up with new ones. It was also nice to work for an employer that didn't beat me up so bad.