This is in the category of crucial things forgotten at the take-out.
In 2004, sick of my profession, and never having paddled or even seen in person a Hawaiian solo outrigger canoe (va'a), I had one custom made for me in Sacramento, California. I drove my magic bus 3,000 miles from Connecticut to Sacramento to pick it up.
Some terminology is necessary. The main hull of a va'a is connected to the outrigger hull (ama) by two black aluminum tubes called iakos. The va'a cannot function at all without the two iakos, which completely disconnect from the main hull and ama for cartopping.
My plan was to "paddle" back to Connecticut via a 7,000 mile route through the western and northern U.S. and Ontario.
About 10 days into my return trip, I was on the Pacific coast of northern California, paddling a tidal creek near Arcata, California -- the Mad River -- with two women kayakers who worked in the trailer park nearby. After the trip at the take-out, I had disconnected my iakos and put them on the ground. The women asked if they could help me carry and load my hulls, so I said yes and helped them do likewise. We chatted a while and said goodbye.
I then began my eastward journey by traveling about 120 miles inland into the Trinity Alps coastal mountain range.
Yep, you got it. About 7 p.m. I realized I didn't have the iakos in my van. My $3,500 va'a and my entire return "canoe trip" were USELESS!
So, I drove all the way back to the take-out. It was pitch black by then. And remember, this was a TIDAL creek. We had taken out at low tide and the tide was now high. The place where I put down my black iakos was now under about four feet of black water -- stinking, fetid, mephitic, brackish, mucky, marsh-estuary tidewater.
I shined my flashlight into the mire, and a big severed fish head looked back at me.
Yet, I saw a metallic glint under the water. I submerged into the yuck and . . . good golly, Miss Molly . . . found my iakos wedged between some rocks. Thankfully, otherwise the high tide current would have washed them other-where.
So, after a 250 mile wasted drive in and out of the Trinity Alps, I had saved my iakos, my va'a and my return trip. Then I had to drive back into the mountains to get to Lewiston Lake. But I was too tired. I stayed in a motel instead of sleeping in my van for the first time in two or three weeks.
(I have pictures of this entire event and trip, but don't know how to get them off the hard drive of my very old Mac computer.)