I've made several posts over the last few years about our adopting Luca from a rescue. At the time, the rescue had no paperwork on him or his 5 other littermates. They received the litter from another rescue and one volunteer heard from another volunteer that the mother of the litter may have been a Great Pyrenees. Luca was the runt of the litter and kind of sickly. The vet at the rescue assured us that he would be lucky to reach 45 pounds. We brought him home and after a couple of visits to our vet, she thought the same....lucky to reach 45 pounds.....in the 5 1/2 years he has lived with us, he has doubled that, hence the nickname, "Big Dawg". He's a very intelligent, good natured, playful dog. We have grown very attached to him. With all of that said, we have had some fun conversations trying to guess his heritage.....Early on we doubted the "Great Pyrenees" rumor. In the past, we had a couple of black labs and I saw some of that in him including webbed feet......however, he hates water! Hmmm, so much for that guess. Our vet was convinced he had some doberman or Rottweiler in him given the shape of his head and his coloration. It took him over two years to reach his full size/weight (92 pounds) which according to our vet is not unusual with rescue dogs as they are often malnourished. I was fairly certain that he had a lot of "Hound" in him as he always has his nose to the ground. As a pup, I took him to obedience classes at a nearby obedience training club, they offered 50% off fees for rescue dogs. He did extremely well and a couple of the trainers were convinced that he had some "herding" dog in his make up. Anyway, a lot of fun conversations over the years about him. This past Christmas, the kids gave me a DNA kit for him. My DIL is a vet tech and picked out the kit that she felt was the most reliable........Shortly after Christmas, I sat down with Luca and collected his sample and submitted it. This past weekend, I was notified that his results were in. Definitely a few surprises! Below should be a few photos of him over the years as well as a snapshot of his results. I thought all of the dog lovers on this Forum might get a kick out of it.
