• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

Three Choices for New Gunwales

I used white pine for the inwales on my stripper and now after a few years of use, there is a little bit of regret. There are a few chips in it when a hard object breaks away a corner. The thin L-shaped and rabbeted ash outwales OTOH are holding up fine. Saved a pound or two with this combination.

WRC has seemed soft and brittle when being bent, when compared to other woods. But so is white pine... the 16' length snapped when I was trying to bend it to fit the slightly high ends of the stripper. Scarf...

Initially I had some doubts that a white pine inwale would be strong enough to hold my weight on the seat bolts. A simple test to see if WP would hold up my butt safely plus body weight...

- glue a sample piece of inwale to a small piece of 3/4 inch plywood.
- clamp the plywood tight in a vise, drill and insert the carriage bolt.
- attach a chain to the bottom of the carriage bolt.
- add some weight to a loop in the chain, insert foot, apply body weight and see if the bolt/inwale will pass the test.

It did, so I can say that I've overbuilt the weight carrying capacity of the seat and inwale by 4X... engineers overbuild by 6X but I was never smart enough to be an engineer, and their rowdy antics always put me off anyways. Enjoy the build.....
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