• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

Things I never thought I'd do.

5) Dance with those kind of people. I used to think dehydrated food was suspect and vegetarian options were no option at all. The freeze dried stuff in stores was okay to eat but pretty pricey. At $8 - $10 per person per meal it sure added up to too much too fast, and the DIY dehydrated looked finicky and way too much fuss. And unless there's meat it's not really a meal, more like a pretend meal. Boy! Have my views changed! The store bought meals are still pricey but not a bad idea, and the DIY has crept into my kitchen, thanks to those on the internet with helpful recipes and meal suggestions. Those come from hikers and canoe trippers. And having vegetarians in the family coaxed me into that alternative foodie world, so much so that I'm dancing in the kitchen with meal ideas totally vegetarian and loving it. I was a knuckle dragger and I admit it. My knuckles don't scuff the ground nearly so often anymore, now that I've started exploring and expanding my canoe tripping options. I'm not very good at cooking, especially new to me recipes, but I'm learning. I can't dance, but I can sway to the music.