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The Otter Awards

Nov 21, 2012
Reaction score
Eastern Long Island, NY
After hearing about the Oscars this morning I wondered why we don't have a more relevant award. So I decided we needed the Otters award. I'd like to nominate Robin for the "life time achievement award" for keeping the site up and running when it was about to collapse. DougD for the "directors award" for herding all of the feral paddlers on the site. Then I get confused as to who the best actors are?, what was the best comedy post of the year?, The best adventure documentary post? The best restoration post of the year? etc..
So many people to be nominated!! Robin to make this site what it is and Dougd for keeping it alive the way we like it!! Definitely Paddlingpit for the trip report extraordinaire!! Then there would be The stripper award... Maybe we call it something else... Then the Traditional gear award, the most days on the water award, the longest trip award, the lightest more compact tripping kit award( I ain't gonna win that one), the most port award, the best DIY award............... Better start dropping that bronze in the mold mate(hmmm maybe I should rephrase that also...)
No one likes a braggart.....but...for those of you who haven't been around forever, I already won several MAJOR AWARDS from canoetripping.


Unfortunately, in a drunken fit of hungriness late one night, I ate the top award, probably spurred on by the fact that the forks were readily available. Shortly after eating that MAJOR AWARD, I won the Stent Award, where the Canadian Medical system gave me five stents in my heart free of charge. I'm suspecting that the two awards might have been connected.

The second award hangs in a beautiful frame in my back room. Every time I want to eat more Spam or Klick, I look at my gut in that picture, and think I could definitely have won the biggest gut on a canoetripper award.

Perhaps we should just send out random awards to fellow canoetrippers. Paddlin Pitt certainly deserves a MAJOR AWARD, he could keep a thousand Finlanders from jumping off a bridge in the middle of February with his most excellent trip reports. Maybe I'll send him a jug of oil for his skidoo.

Lowangle Al gets the Biggest Pipes award, or perhaps the How to Make an Ancient Wreck of a Shirt Look Good Award.

Odyessy gets The Gentleman of the Year Award, although I often wonder what gets deleted when he edits his posts, lol.

Anyone I haven't mentioned gets a participation award, if your post count is over three. And nobody is an overall winner, cause we are all winners! Yay! High Five!
I would like to nominate Glenn MacGrady for the “George Will Award”.

Not for politics. Let’s not go there; St Valentine’s Day is coming up. Who doesn’t love an origin story with drunk, naked Romans celebrating the feast of Lupercalia, sacrificing barnyard animals before whipping women with their hides before hooking up. Let’s party!

But, for sheer clarity of writing, and vocabulary, Glenn deserves an award. Even when defending the indefensible, such as a bias against even modern material skid plates.
I would second that, Mike. I never before considered the parallel between George and Glenn. Both are erudite and softly enraged. And I mean that in its most positive sense. I was considering Glenn for the “Comeback Player Of The Year Award.” But there’s no reason a person can’t be nominated in two categories. And may I compliment you, Mike, on how succinctly you phrased your nomination!
I’ve been thinking about this for a few days and my biggest concern was not recognizing someone who deserves the award imho. So here goes some nominations, hopefully my memory serves me well.

Stripperguy - I nominate Stripperguy for the “first legendary thread”. When the site was young, Stripperguy began a build thread about a stripper canoe that became very popular. I believe it helped create the “stripper building” following we enjoy today, and at the time it was a big boost to the overall seriousness of this site.

Waterdog- I nominate Waterdog for the “gut check” award. Back when I was learning the ins and outs of this website/forum world, I made quite a few mistakes. I must have mentioned more than once how I wasted time and money on bad IT guys, wrong security measures and probably sent some really bad vibes to the members about the sites future. One day, out of the blue, I received a nice letter of support and a substantial check from Waterdog, and I mean substantial. I returned the check, but I never forgot the meaning of his show of support, it really was a gut check on his part.

Memaquay- I second the nomination “show me a port and I’ll clear it”, but more than that I see a guy who has done more good for canoeing than many of us know. He works behind the scenes to protect old canoe routes from the logging industry, he has led so many young people on canoe trips, real trips thru tough routes, he is a canoe builder extraordinaire, he promotes a canoe region tirelessly sending information and maps to all who ask, he’s run shuttles, hosted canoe groups and his “crossed paddles” tattoo is about as cool as it gets.

PaddlinPitt- I second the nomination “Best trip report Author”, judging from the likes and views his amazing trip reports are very popular and a big plus for the website. It shows he puts a lot of time and effort into them and I for one am grateful, lots of enjoyable time spent reading them and following them on maps. Having such a nice personality helps also with a fun sense of humour helps them too.

Mike McCrea- I second the nomination “Most thorough posting” award. While it can be said Mike has worn out more than a few keyboards, and there’s no truth to the rumor that our hosting company once sent me a email suggesting I ask Mike to shorten his posts to help cut down on excessive bandwidth use, he has definitely earned this award. Be it an idea he has, an experience he has had or an experiment he is conducting he’s going to share it with lots of information to back it up, did Isay lots of information. He has started some legendary conversations and many of us have benefited from them. Having a layed back attitude and pretty amazing sense of humour has also helped.

DougD- I nominate my friend Doug for the “Hold my beer, I got this” award. Thankfully Doug saw it was a time for a change and gracefully offered to take over the site when I was sort of going thru...., umm, some health issues. His smooth way of running the site has made it a better place to come to, and the work he has done behind the scenes, while not seen by us, has made the site all the better and all done on a tight budget. I would like to be the presenter of this award at the awards ceremony.

JimDodd- I would like to nominate the “nobody’s that nice a guy” award to Jim. If it’s about stripper canoes, BWAC, welcoming new members or just about any other subject, there’s always a friendly reply from Jim. It breaks my cynical NY heart to see it so consistently.
I hope this doesn't turn Political ! I'd like to say I'd be glad to vote for anybody on this site for President !

There are so many good people here, I'd hate to slight any one !

After a hiatus it's time to resurrect the Otter Award. Swag bags are being prepared which include multiple cans of Spam. Due to supply chain issues the swag bags will be presented in "2525 if man is still alive and women can survive" We have been assured the spam will retain it's quality while in storage. Please submit your nominations for best or worst canoe and paddling topics, paddlers or trip reports. A committee of the paddlers will be nominated at sometime in the future to begin deliberations and select the winners in time to present the swag to the chosen paddlers.