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The daily paddle

Jun 3, 2015
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Anchorage Alaska / Pocono Mts.
I never get enough paddling in the summer due to being too busy with work, so when I get back to Pa. in the fall I make it a point to paddle every day. My motivation is partly for exercise, partly for the enjoyment of paddling and partly for the enjoyment of being outside observing nature. My typical paddle is about an hour but I have had some enjoyable paddles in less than 20 minutes. MMy place in Pa. is on a lake so that makes it easy but I was able to do it when I was in my early 20's when I didn't live on the water, and had more energy. My motivation bak then wasn't my love of paddling though. It was a by product of fishing my way out of a 4 year relationship with my college girlfriend. Anyone else try to get out there almost every day?
I might if I didn't have to drive to get there. However, I do have a paddling friend whose annual goal is to be outdoors 360 days a year. He'd rather paddle, but if conditions are bad he'll change sports - hike or ski. Being retired gives him a good shot at making his goal.
I'm lucky enough that my office is less than 10 minutes from a launch spot on the Susquehanna River. Typically during the summer I'll get out paddling at lunchtime at least 2-3 times each week. There are many other locations either on the way home or not far from home so I do change it up but regardless, getting a lightweight solo canoe was the best move for making this all happen. Now I'm working on getting our new pooch acclimated to the canoe as well so some of my paddling isn't quite as long on the water but as she becomes more secure in the boat, I'm thinking I'll be back to my lunchtime paddling routine when summer roles around again.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

This was a good Summer for me in that regard......not everyday, but 2-3 days a week, I would launch at the end of my street in the Great Miami River after work for a quick paddle....I was probably a little more motivated as I picked up a brand new North Star Phoenix solo canoe in early May.....

When I was a volunteer in the Big Cypress Preserve, I lived right next to a canal that went into the glades. I get finished with work at 5 pm, change clothes and push the canoe in the canal for some paddling and fishing. It was wonderful, but only for three months. Now I manage my own business and hardly ever get time to get out. :( ...but I am working to improve that. Thanks for the little push.
We live on a beautiful pond, and I should paddle everyday during good weather-----a good resolution for 2018!
Yes! I get out around 150-200 times per year and paddle almost every day when the weather is nice. We had an unusually warm Fall in SW Michigan so I was getting out almost every day until about 2 weeks ago.

ive been a day paddler for years and I totally agree that one can (and will) have magical experiences even on short paddles if you just get out there into nature.
The town removed a beaver dam from a nice pond just short walk from my house.It returned to a small stream. I said if the beavers came back I would paddle it daily, well they did but I got busy with other stuff. Trapper came and removed some beaver, town removed the new dam, maybe next spring.
Life sure is better when you get outside on a regular basis. Unfortunately I think I took my last paddle on Friday when I had to bust through about a 100 feet of ice to get to open water. The good news is that Saturdays cold temps and snow enabled me to take a ski on Sunday and ice fishing won't be far behind.

Too bad about your beaver pond Robin, it would be nice to start a trip with your paddling muscles all tuned up.