Actually a sticky compression stuff bag situation. We have several compression stuff bags, in different sizes, from different manufacturers. Some have a waterproof barrier on the inside of the stuff bag. All are stored loosely in a box in a humidity controlled environment.
One of the WP barrier coated compression bags is now excessively sticky on the inside. By which I mean it feels like it was coated with honey. It is not delaminating and does not smell funny, but it gross to the touch and would be sticky sided hell to stuff anything into. And danged if I want my clothes or sleeping bag to come out of a bag honey sticky.
For funsies I tried a Myrazime bath, which, as I expected, did absolutely nothing. Before I move on to a ??? wash any suggestions?
Vinegar and water? Dawn? DougDs miracle cleaner mix, whatever that was?
One of the WP barrier coated compression bags is now excessively sticky on the inside. By which I mean it feels like it was coated with honey. It is not delaminating and does not smell funny, but it gross to the touch and would be sticky sided hell to stuff anything into. And danged if I want my clothes or sleeping bag to come out of a bag honey sticky.
For funsies I tried a Myrazime bath, which, as I expected, did absolutely nothing. Before I move on to a ??? wash any suggestions?
Vinegar and water? Dawn? DougDs miracle cleaner mix, whatever that was?