For a double paddle in my kneeling solos I use a 250cm bending branches
I never went longer. 230 works fine
I also find a 230 or 240 to work in any canoe - including the more flat water tandems I've had. I just use a higher angle stroke in the wider boats.
Double blade length is probably harder to ascertain than single blade length.
Shorter length double blades require a higher angle stroke. I’m a low angle double blader and find that I prefer a 260cm as an all around double in boats 30 – 32 inches wide at the point where I initiate my paddle stroke. In the wider center-seat soloized tandems a 270 isn’t too much.
Double blade length, besides high angle/low angle, also depends on how far below the gunwales the seat is positioned and paddler height &wingspan.
Aqua-Bound has a “Fit Guide” for choosing double blade style that recommends length for paddler height and boat width. This is for kayaks, so seat height is not factored into their equation. Using that guide I am most comfortable going 10cm longer than their recommendation.
As a personal preference I do not much like double blades that are length adjustable. The mechanisms seem finicky or frou frou. I do like a double that is feather angle adjustable in 15 degree increments. I had previously used a variety of doubles with fixed feather angles from 90 degree to 45ish.
When I got an adjustable feather ferrule I discovered that my most comfortable feather angle is 30 degree, right hand control, and rarely use any other feather when not paddling with the blades straight.
For a first boat I would go with a more middle of the road type boat as apposed to a sit on the bottom boat for safety especially if you may take trips up to 10 days. It will certainly give you a better feel for what canoeing is about.
I agree. Much as I love the RapidFire and enjoyed our pack canoes for a “Starting from Scratch” solo canoe, for general purpose paddling – lakes, rivers, small water explores and week+ tripping I would find a dedicated solo with a hung seat that suits my length/width/maneuverability/stability preferences.
Almost any hung seat can be DIY altered to customize seat depth, which greatly affects initial stability (and keeping your head inside the gunwales).