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Spring 2023 weather where you are?

Glenn MacGrady

Staff member
Oct 24, 2012
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Weather changes.

In Connecticut, we had a fairly mild winter with the least snow I recall in 30+ years. We had maybe two snowfalls of 2 or 3 inches, which melted in 2 or 3 days, and I never had to plow my driveway.

However, this spring so far seems to be schizophrenic. We had a bizarre upsurge to 90° F (32° C) for two days in mid-April, but since then it seems to be cooler and more rainy than usual and budding seems late. I'm not yet motivated to go canoeing or do much of anything outside. I fear it will suddenly jump to unbearably hot for four months.

What's the spring been like where you are?

I'm hoping that the precipitation will make up for the early break up. Where I'm planning on going in three weeks (southern James Bay) there was 5 - 7 feet of snowpack in the first week of April, by the end of the month that was down to less than 1 foot, normally there is little change in the snowpack during April with the big melt coming in the first half of May. Breakup in the area is at least 10 days earlier than "normal", river gauges in the area that usually peak around mid-May are already past the peak and falling.

As far as my local (Toronto) weather, there was quite a bit of snow, not a lot of really cold weather and an early thaw.
We had that nice weather here in Maine for a few days in mid-April also, I took advantage and got out for 3 days camping. Since then it has been cold and damp.
Last Sunday night we had a storm come in off the ocean, 50 mph winds, 4" rain, that was a long night.
My grandson's second baseball game jn a row was postponed today, that's ok, I hate watching spring baseball in winter coats.
Buses were cancelled yesterday because of more snow, but the longterm forecast is looking great. Lakes are still covered with ice, a week or two behind schedule I would guess. Everyone here is sick of winter.
Similar to the Connecticut situation here, but lots of rain which, with the snow melt, is causing havoc up north. I have a 4-day trip scheduled and currently, the road to get there is closed because of severe erosion. This is my own, back yard weather station: http://littledoorfarm.com

ok lots of roads washed out.. And two feet of new snow 20 miles from me that I will see once i stops raining.. Its ben 3 c for days. I have unhappy seedlings. Like Robin said we had summer for the day in April.. I envy his and his wifes flowers.. Wish I was more tempted to actually launch a canoe in our lake.. The loons call and I wrap in another blanket. Check out Mount Washington Observatory Facebook page. The Auto Road washed out and the crew transfer(done weekly) had to take place by Cog Railroad. They had a massive snowblower mounted on the front of the engine.
We have had hot summer weather in April. In the 90s and sunny during the day. This eased off a bit the last week with cloud cover and lots of rain. Way too much rain for the dry season.
Height of the allergy season for me here in SE Wisconsin due to the tree pollen. I really limit my time in the woods.
The weather Gods are always throwing tempestuous spells at us year-round, this spring being no different. A sudden dry warmth in late March instead of the usual cool wet forced buds to open and creeks to flood. Thankfully we returned to more seasonable spring weather, long enough for the earth to recharge and the flora to flourish.
trout lily.jpg
The gentle rains we knew in April are giving way to strong May sunshine. Before too long we'll be enjoying life under a summer sun again. The world keeps turning.
A skiing/biking friend of mine recently referred to this time of year as “Sprinter”. I love it! But I hate it 😒. Give me winter, right up until the leaves come out around Memorial Day.

It was 70° for a day or two in April (some local mushers groom a dogsled trail less than a mile down the road for us, so the dog and I were skiing in shorts and short sleeves, which was awesome!), but now it is in the 30°s and 40°s. If it isn’t foggy and dreary, it’s raining and dreary. or windy and dreary. If it isn’t those, it’s snowing (and WET!). And if none of that is happening, it’s just windy. I did ski Tuesday, but I didn’t even enjoy it 😢. I got my new NW Solo a week ago yesterday, and took the opportunity to ponder and install the foot brace (and improve the mounting fasteners) and stem loops, and just generally putter around in the basement with it. My paddle arrived Wednesday. I’ve got everything I need! Now there is nothing but rain and breeziness in the forecast, and while I might dodge the showers, wind is not what I’m looking for on my first outing in a solo canoe. Yesterday I carried it out to the Boat House (formerly known as the Little Garage, but kayaks took it over in a bloodless coup several years ago), to sit and wait. sigh………
Started much cooler than average and now, in the last week, it is hot (about +30 C or 85 F), dry and windy. Now we have fires all over the place with a number of mandatory evacuations.
Spring is our worst time of year for wildfires. After the snow cover is gone and before the leaves and grass "green up", the grass and bush is very dry. The Fort McMurray fire and the Slave Lake fire both occurred in early May. Wish us luck!
We finally have some sun here on the coast of Maine. As robin said up thread it was quite a storm on Saturday night. Drizzle yesterday but the first of our daffodils are up, and in the background you can the bilco door open to dry out the basement some.