Spent some time last weekend at Chevelon Lake about a hour from our place on the Moggollon Rim (Mo-gee-on). I took off on Fri mid morning and came home late Sat evening, putting in a quicky hammock camp near the trail head above the lake and commuting in on foot for the fishing. It's a crunchy 4 mile Jeep ride to the trail head with a relatively steep 3/4 mile hike to the reservoir on a good enough trail.
It was my first time up there so I didn't take a canoe. I'm going too next time, the lake would fish much better from a boat and a canoe would open up some nice lake side camping. The bank varies from rocky and steep to low and brushy, tough but not impossible to bank fish :- ) It will need to be a light camp and I'm definitely going to make some pads for my portage yoke haha
Fishing was decent, the lake is known for its big browns, but I caught all rainbows. They were willing and I caught quite a few on a weak size 18 blue wing olive hatch in the evenings and a dry and dropper rig during the day. Cicadas are starting to come off now so I fished a cicada on top and a size 20 Copper John down. Took fish all day about 50/50 on top and dropper fly. AZ is the only place I've ever fished a cicada hatch haha Sort of like the big salmon fly hatches in MT, when they hit the cicada they really got after it!
I need to get more focused on the browns and get my streamer game on to get them out of cover, but the native rainbows were fun :- ) Apparently the browns come out of the deep water in the fall and that's the best time to get into the big ones on hatches in the feeder creek. I could have stripped streamers deep for browns, but didn't get to it, the rainbows were fun.
I got some typical AZ mountain spring weather, snow, hail, sun, rain and wind coming though in regular intervals haha I took a 9' 6wt. and fished though the conditions :- ) If one waits for 'good' weather in the mountains, you won't get much fishing.
AZ has a surprising amount of quality fly-fishing on streams and lakes, that I haven't tapped into yet, but I'm leaving bruised and bleeding lips this year haha Heading up to the White Mountains to hike into a section on the Little Colorado River by Alpine, AZ this weekend and going put the canoe in on a small lake on the second day.

Sometimes I have to remind myself I live in a desert haha My son fished the Bighorn's in WY the same weekend and it was in the 70's at 7k feet

The view from the top of the trail head

A view from down on the lake

Scruffy native rainbow, I didn't keep any this trip, I planned on fishing till after dark and getting into camp late for a quick dinner

....another, I caught some bigger and some smaller and got tired of taking pictures of them :- )
It was my first time up there so I didn't take a canoe. I'm going too next time, the lake would fish much better from a boat and a canoe would open up some nice lake side camping. The bank varies from rocky and steep to low and brushy, tough but not impossible to bank fish :- ) It will need to be a light camp and I'm definitely going to make some pads for my portage yoke haha
Fishing was decent, the lake is known for its big browns, but I caught all rainbows. They were willing and I caught quite a few on a weak size 18 blue wing olive hatch in the evenings and a dry and dropper rig during the day. Cicadas are starting to come off now so I fished a cicada on top and a size 20 Copper John down. Took fish all day about 50/50 on top and dropper fly. AZ is the only place I've ever fished a cicada hatch haha Sort of like the big salmon fly hatches in MT, when they hit the cicada they really got after it!
I need to get more focused on the browns and get my streamer game on to get them out of cover, but the native rainbows were fun :- ) Apparently the browns come out of the deep water in the fall and that's the best time to get into the big ones on hatches in the feeder creek. I could have stripped streamers deep for browns, but didn't get to it, the rainbows were fun.
I got some typical AZ mountain spring weather, snow, hail, sun, rain and wind coming though in regular intervals haha I took a 9' 6wt. and fished though the conditions :- ) If one waits for 'good' weather in the mountains, you won't get much fishing.
AZ has a surprising amount of quality fly-fishing on streams and lakes, that I haven't tapped into yet, but I'm leaving bruised and bleeding lips this year haha Heading up to the White Mountains to hike into a section on the Little Colorado River by Alpine, AZ this weekend and going put the canoe in on a small lake on the second day.

Sometimes I have to remind myself I live in a desert haha My son fished the Bighorn's in WY the same weekend and it was in the 70's at 7k feet

The view from the top of the trail head

A view from down on the lake

Scruffy native rainbow, I didn't keep any this trip, I planned on fishing till after dark and getting into camp late for a quick dinner

....another, I caught some bigger and some smaller and got tired of taking pictures of them :- )
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