Remember this silly part of the last experiment?
With the Vynabond puddles left on the Royalex for a week the RX appeared and felt the same. I cut those test pieces in half at the Vynabond puddles for some inner RX foam core inspection.
P4160002 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
Didn’t do squat to either scarred or unscarred Royalex. Bupkiss that I could discern, inside or out.
Neither Vynabond puddle, on the intact or scored & scarred vinyl, had any visible or tactile impact on the Royalex, even in cut in half inspection. I really thought there would be some evidence of solvent degradation. Maybe I didn’t score the Royalex deeply enough, or maybe the Vynabond puddle solvents escaped through/past the simple wax paper squares.
Time for another, better (or worse RX condition) test.
I drilled, chisled and gouged some pieces of Royalex, in places well into the foam core.
P4190005 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
One gouged RX test piece got a puddle of Vynabond, covered with a scrap of exercise flooring cover, one piece of RX gouged the same way got a puddle of Contact Cement and foam cover.
P4190006 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
Both test puddles immediately covered with scrap foam. I taped the foam down on both test pieces with Gorilla tape, to help prevent any solvents from escaping.
P4190008 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
(Looks like Joel’s new floating wallet design)
One gouged and chisled RX piece went outside the shop on a stump, where I just poured a puddle of Acetone on top to fill the divots.
P4190013 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
Eh, I poured acetone on that test piece twice, it evaporated fast. The second time when I took the potential bottle bomb of a glass pickle jar with submerged acetone outside the shop
Yeah, what the hell, absolute crazy harshest test, a couple pieces of Royalex submerged in a half inch of acetone in a pickle jar, so that there was 4” of Royalex above the acetone line, to see if/how anything creeps up the foam core.
P4190015 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
I’ll give all those test pieces some time, and then inspect them/cut them in half. Although my expectation is that I’ll see something funky in the pickle jar soon enough.
Any guesses?
Since I had the Vynabond out another experiment seemed in order. I took a piece of intact RX and laid a small puddle of Vynabond on it, lightly scarred through the vinyl skin in another area and puddled some Vynabond there as well, both covered with wax paper to help trap some solvents. Might have to try that “Solvents ate my canoe” with a scrap of minicel and puddle of Contact Cement as well.
P4140001 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
With the Vynabond puddles left on the Royalex for a week the RX appeared and felt the same. I cut those test pieces in half at the Vynabond puddles for some inner RX foam core inspection.

Didn’t do squat to either scarred or unscarred Royalex. Bupkiss that I could discern, inside or out.
Neither Vynabond puddle, on the intact or scored & scarred vinyl, had any visible or tactile impact on the Royalex, even in cut in half inspection. I really thought there would be some evidence of solvent degradation. Maybe I didn’t score the Royalex deeply enough, or maybe the Vynabond puddle solvents escaped through/past the simple wax paper squares.
Time for another, better (or worse RX condition) test.
I drilled, chisled and gouged some pieces of Royalex, in places well into the foam core.

One gouged RX test piece got a puddle of Vynabond, covered with a scrap of exercise flooring cover, one piece of RX gouged the same way got a puddle of Contact Cement and foam cover.

Both test puddles immediately covered with scrap foam. I taped the foam down on both test pieces with Gorilla tape, to help prevent any solvents from escaping.

(Looks like Joel’s new floating wallet design)
One gouged and chisled RX piece went outside the shop on a stump, where I just poured a puddle of Acetone on top to fill the divots.

Eh, I poured acetone on that test piece twice, it evaporated fast. The second time when I took the potential bottle bomb of a glass pickle jar with submerged acetone outside the shop
Yeah, what the hell, absolute crazy harshest test, a couple pieces of Royalex submerged in a half inch of acetone in a pickle jar, so that there was 4” of Royalex above the acetone line, to see if/how anything creeps up the foam core.

I’ll give all those test pieces some time, and then inspect them/cut them in half. Although my expectation is that I’ll see something funky in the pickle jar soon enough.
Any guesses?