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Small changes

Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Appleton, Maine
The site was updated to the latest version of vBulletin, mainly for security reasons. The issues with the "working" appearing has been fixed, after you post it takes a few seconds for your post to go live and "working" to disappear.
There are other changes that are basic vBulletin default styles, they will stay.
Thanks for your co-operation.
Thanks Robin. The changes are good. My minor glitches seem to be gone. Hooray!! Except I still can't spel. ha!
Um... Whata is this share and tweet thing? I don't want my stuff here posted on Facebook or Twitter. Is there an opt out option?
I'd think that with our campfire members vetted it would be a good idea to keep posts here and not scattered to the winds of the internet. Especially Facebook which is often spied on by employers
Stuff can be shared everywhere on the net just by sharing a link... So even w/o the share button, you can still scattered it all everywhere...
I appreciate that this place is a community in its own right, and that there's none of that "my post has been shared 36,847,327 times!" that you see on the wider social networks. AFAIK nobody's running for dog catcher here. Obviously everything is public and can be linked and searched, but I think those buttons result in a slight loss of karma.
And as independent curmudgeons do we really care what anyone other than the likeminded of us ( who are always correct in some way though not all the time) care what anyone else thinks?
My Facebook, Twitter, and other social media opinions and arguments -- which others may disagree with.

1. When I was a child growing up summers in Maine -- in an unheated cabin with no TV or telephone -- I spent 11 hours a day outside in a canoe and rowboat, sawing wood, hiking, picking berries, and otherwise communing with nature. On rainy days I read books. This site reminds me of that boyhood. Children today spend 11 hours a day, every day, staring at electronic screens and "socializing" via button pushes. I have long been of the opinion that social media, enabled by smart phones, is destroying our society, culture, nation, planet and the mental health of our children. Serious academic studies are now confirming this. Therefore, I have a strong aversion to social media.

2. The median age of the members here, according to our age poll, is probably in the mid to late 50's. Consequently, I suspect many here may share my geezer aversion to social media even if they don't choose to speak up.

3. This site is steeped in nature, water, wood, smoke, canvas, paint, bushcraft, and the old ways. I would not enjoy seeing a restored Chestnut Prospector plastered with Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga decals, no matter how popular they are. Similarly, I would not enjoy opening a thread here and staring at a page of nine comments plastered with 18 Facebook and Twitter decals.

4. People who are fans and heavy users of Facebook and Twitter can, I'm confident, somehow communicate their thoughts about subject matter on this forum onto those platforms without the need for big enabling buttons under everyone's avatar. I'd prefer a return to the home location of the poster put in that space under the avatar, which I find to be useful information about the person.
Like it or not, we are in the information age ... the internet has added a lot of tools to everyone basket. I can't even count how many times I have muttered "how did I ever do without Google?". For campers, builders, restorers... the internet is a wealth of how to do things .... the old way and the newer ways ... heck this forum shares a lot of our personal lives in pictures, builds, restorations, questions etc. and if you think that it is private and only lives here in this forum ... well, it doesn't, it is fully on the internet for anyone to see, if they have the inclination to look.

I am only speculating, but I suspect that those share buttons only share a post to the posters personal FB/Tweet accounts and only share the post that was made by that person. If you don't use the button, you don't post to your personal account, if you do use it ... it should only post to your personal account and then only what you have posted. Robin can confirm I suspect, that the function of those buttons is restricted to a single post a person makes and it is only posted to their personal account for FB/Tw.

Do I really care if some one responds to a post I made and decides to share that post on their FB ... I don't . If I post a picture in the "Picture of the Day" topic and decide to share it to my FB, why would that matter to anyone?

Rather than creating more work for Robin, I would think just not using those buttons (for those inclined that way) is an easier solution.

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Never joined FB or T, never will. I really don't care to read daily what someone else had for breakfast, which seemed to be the big draw when those things started. If someone knows me well enough as a relative or personal friend to want to share a photo of their new grandchild, they will find another way that I will appreciate much more.
I use and enjoy FB, lots of nice outdoor related groups and a lot of interesting canoe groups too. I blocked/unfriended all those "friends" that show me constant pics of breakfast/kids/dog/swimming pool/ yaddy yada, I just use it for what I want to see.

It might take longer than some folks like for those Facebook and tweet buttons to go away. My IT guy is very good and reasonably priced, but he works for a lot of people or maybe he has a big project going on for someone else right now. This arrangement, good work on a "I'll get to it" basis is probably the best this site can afford.

I hope he can put the hometowns back under the user name, I liked that feature also.
I use FB but only as a stand alone platform to keep in touch with my many actual real friends the world over..its really good for that. By real, I mean people I have actually sat down across a table with...lol. I also have some local canoe groups and folks that I have on there. Every resource now seems to be linked to FB. So be it. Twitter? not a chance. I would prefer the new buttons go away also.
I'm not inconvenienced by those buttons in any way. Mind you I have no idea what they are or how to use them, although I am on FB. I was guilt-tripped into signing up to FB "so I could keep in touch." So now I'm keeping in touch with what people eat, where they shop for sweaters, what the fans in the stands look like at football games, the latest online e-cards for those special occasions, political unfunny jabs, a full page picture of their new haircut, and if I "like" a friend of a friend of a stranger who's selling their new space race face cream I'm entitled to join the thousands who've forgotten just why they tapped the FB sign-in button. But once in awhile someone posts on FB a photo of their smiling face I still "follow" and whom I miss dearly miles away, and I emerge from my curmudgeonly cave and remember why I'm there...to connect. My problem is I'm a pencil and paper kinda guy, although I love how e-mail is the next best thing to airmail. My kids remind me (relentlessly) I should catch up and keep up with technology. They're right. I should. And if Canoetripping should attract younger smarter more tech savvy canoe trippers than me, that can only be a good thing. There's already enough old timer curmudgeonly cave dwellers here. (We know who we are. lol)
Seeing a place below a name was a nice reminder we all "come from somewhere" but we all "get together here"...to connect. Besides that I'm hard pressed to find any faults or to think of any improvements. Oh wait. There is one. I wish this place had a coffee machine.
Otherwise keep up the good work Robin. And thanks for all you do.
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I liked the place below the name. Gave you an idea of that members paddling milieu
that said I've been on FB a lot and none of it involved food selfies or cats. Well maybe one or two. I like Simons Cat. This morning I learned on Maine Birds why the woodpeckers are attacking my house and why no other usual birds are anywhere to be found
weve had no TV or Internet a good part of the last two weeks. How else would I have found out about Quiddler?
im also on a number of wildlife and land conservancy groups and I'd have missed a number of events sans FB
plus I am getting more proficient at photos and RAW processing due to State of Maine Photographers who've members sometimes run free clinics in person at a university

and my daily FB fix is Mount Washington Observatory they have interactive question sessions in the winter about the weather up there

oh it's also a good way to be involved with my State Reoresentative on matters important to me and attend periodic meetings she holds for the public. But I wish she hadn't told me about Quiddler
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