• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

Small changes

I'm on FB but only 'Friend' relatives and close friends. It's an easy way to keep in touch and see pics from them. It's also easy to block feeds from people you done want to see. I only have 54 friends and some of those are blocked, I blocked my wife last year before the elections.

There are a lot of good canoe groups on FB.

Tweeter is for the birds.
Ok, so I "shared" this thread to FB and all it did was post a link to this thread, didn't actually put anything on FB.
Here is another argument against the Twitter and Facebook buttons, plus a self-reliant solution we each can use to get rid of them:

This site since its inception has always voted to be financially self-sufficient via member contributions, primarily because the majority of us want no advertisements at all on this site. The big buttons now below every avatar are nothing more than blatant advertisements for, and encouragements to use, Facebook and Twitter -- which are the last products that I personally would want to see advertised on a paddling site.

To remove these buttons from vBulletin probably takes 10 seconds by an administrator. But we each can do the same thing in our own 10 seconds with our own adblocker. I use uBlock and simply checked the additional filter called "Fanboy's Social Blocking List", which I know is also available on Adbocker Plus. With this filter on, the Facebook and Twitter buttons have disappeared and the geographic location of posters is now again below the avatars.
Here is another argument against the Twitter and Facebook buttons, plus a self-reliant solution we each can use to get rid of them:

To remove these buttons from vBulletin probably takes 10 seconds by an administrator. But we each can do the same thing in our own 10 seconds with our own adblocker. I use uBlock and simply checked the additional filter called "Fanboy's Social Blocking List", which I know is also available on Adbocker Plus. With this filter on, the Facebook and Twitter buttons have disappeared and the geographic location of posters is now again below the avatars.

That filter really works well, it removed the Facebook/tweet buttons from everyone's usename/avatar and replaced their locations where applicable. I vote we make Glenn the new owner and administrator of Canoetripping.net (or Kayackcanoetrippingofftopic.net)
Glad to see your sense of humor is back, Robin. I strongly suspect the social media buttons are simply an on-off checkbox somewhere in the admin software. I would accept a 10 second appointment as temporary administrator for the sole purpose of deleting any suggestion that I be an administrator. You do a great job, and my opinion on that doesn't change simply because we might have different opinions on canoes, paddles or minor forum formats.
Next time the site needs an update I'll send Glenn the password and he can save us some money. HAHaHa [TABLE="border: 0, cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0"]
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[TD] [TABLE="align: center, border: 0, cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0"]
[TD="align: left"]Hi Robin,[/TD]
[TD="width: 100%"] [/TD]
[TD="align: left"]A payment of $190.26 was applied to Robin Lauer's account[/TD]
[TD="width: 100%"] [/TD]
  • Date: 13-Nov-2017 UTC
  • Previous balance due: $185.17
  • Fee: $5.09
  • Amount charged: $190.26
  • New balance: $0.00
  • Payment method: credit card
  • Reference ID:
[TD="width: 100%"] [/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Primary billing method charged[/TD]
[TD="width: 100%"] [/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Thanks,
Upwork Support[/TD]

It's all good, a few tweeks and the site is golden again.
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