• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

Skin on frame canoe

Good luck Bob. If it's anything like my first time laying fibreglass on a canoe, it probably seems a lot more complicated than it actually is once you get going. Let us know how it goes. What are you going to use to coat the skin once it is on?

I wish i saw this earlier, I went through a phase where I built a half dozen SOF kayaks. Enough for the whole family to go kayaking. Anyways, I bought a roll of 1000 denier cordura and have a lot left. If you need more, let me know the price is right (free). You just need to pick it up, I live in CT too.

Make sure you wet the nylon when youre stapling it on. When it dries it will be drum tight, to the point of bending stringers.

On the first one, I used Corey's goop too. After that first one I just used exterior latex paint, worked almost as well and easily applied and touched up as needed.

Good Luck.

Thanks Tony. It’s a polyurethane blend. Going well so far.

David- that is one heck of an offer- thank you. Unless things take a turn for the worse I should be good with what I have.

I still have to sew up the ends and trim, but the wet nylon stretched nicely and is very tight. My hands are a bit sore from all the pulling.


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Goop is on. Looking forward to checking it out when it hardens.


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Congrats Bob. Looks like the skinning was not a big deal for you? You must be closing in on a launch date soon. Hopefully there is some open water handy that you can easily access within all the shut-downs and isolation rules. If so, let us know how she drives!!!

Thanks Tony. Yes it went on super easy once the skin was tight- three coats. Sewing the ends was tedious, but turned out pretty well for my first effort. Carving out some oars at the moment and will want to fit the oar lock locations. I want to be able to row like a guideboat as well as paddle. Ice is out and I am fortunate to have lake a small lake very close by. Will post a photo of it underway.

Nice boat. It must give you a strange feeling to be able to see the water through the hull.
Thanks! It is a bit odd. Looking forward to loading it up and taking it on a trip. I am happy with the freeboard with it loaded.


Looks a lot prettier than my SOF build! (Learned a lot, is all I can really say)

Was that nylon fabric a little stretchy before the urethane coats, or was it a fairly stable weave?
I am so close to building one ! Between this and Cape Falcon Kayaks, and their latest canoe build !

They look like a lot of work, for these old hands with stitching, and tying knots

And then I worry about ruggedness and life span.

Nice work Bob !

Thank you. The fabric did not stretch, but shrunk nicely.

It was rough on the hands, but I have some carpel tunnel issues- musician in a past life.

I enjoyed the build, but not sure I would do another SOF canoe. I would consider another style SOF craft that shall not be named for ocean paddling.

I am hoping to get it out on a local weekend trip in a few days. Will post a trip report if it happens.
