Just the other day I received this notice from SiteGround, the folks who I pay to host this website. Not to worry though, it was the end of the month and my IT guy has plenty of time to fix the problem. Thanks to the generous folks who supported the CanoeTripping.net fund raiser, the funds are there to increase the monthly quota if needed.
The reason I share this with you is that I feel it vindicates my reason for not allowing the OP of the Freestyle post to add his videos and images here. I knew the site was growing and I had to be cautious as to what direction it would take and remain relatively error free. The fund raiser was supported by Trippers, never had I received one request to introduce Freestyle yet I received many notes supporting the sites content and "Tripping" direction.
The reason I gave for my refusal to embrace the freestyle agenda was that I was concerned about the usage quota and this notice below proves that the site was approaching that level. Sure, I could have bought more quota at that time, but the support for the site until then was 99% trippers and 2 known freestyle folks. I have since sent their donations back.
The only reason I share this with you is that behind the scenes I took alot of flack. Window stickers where sent back, I was warned how I would be remembered in the "paddling community", snarky remarks on social media about the site, and people walked away. Even a friend suggested I might be harsh. Not to mention the remarks that where made here on the site.
From: SiteGround Web Hosting <noreply@siteground.com>
To: rdlauer_00@yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 3:05 AM
Subject: Account canoetripping.net Reached Monthly Allowed Executions
Dear Robin Lauer,
We would like to inform you that your account canoetripping.net has consumed 90% of the monthly quota of 600000 program and script executions. Please note that once you hit 100% of the allowed monthly executions, your web service will be limited for the calendar month. The web service limit means you might be having problems accessing your website.
How to lower resource usage
For your convenience, we have opened a report on the monthly number of executions in your User area, from where you can navigate to optimize your resource usage:
Consider upgrade
If your website will require more server resources on a regular basis, please consider upgrading to one of our higher plans. In addition to our standard service plans, you can also join the beta test for our new cloud platform and get 2 months of FREE hosting. Learn more about the terms of the test here: Learn More
Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation!
Best regards,
The SiteGround Team
The reason I share this with you is that I feel it vindicates my reason for not allowing the OP of the Freestyle post to add his videos and images here. I knew the site was growing and I had to be cautious as to what direction it would take and remain relatively error free. The fund raiser was supported by Trippers, never had I received one request to introduce Freestyle yet I received many notes supporting the sites content and "Tripping" direction.
The reason I gave for my refusal to embrace the freestyle agenda was that I was concerned about the usage quota and this notice below proves that the site was approaching that level. Sure, I could have bought more quota at that time, but the support for the site until then was 99% trippers and 2 known freestyle folks. I have since sent their donations back.
The only reason I share this with you is that behind the scenes I took alot of flack. Window stickers where sent back, I was warned how I would be remembered in the "paddling community", snarky remarks on social media about the site, and people walked away. Even a friend suggested I might be harsh. Not to mention the remarks that where made here on the site.
From: SiteGround Web Hosting <noreply@siteground.com>
To: rdlauer_00@yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 3:05 AM
Subject: Account canoetripping.net Reached Monthly Allowed Executions

We would like to inform you that your account canoetripping.net has consumed 90% of the monthly quota of 600000 program and script executions. Please note that once you hit 100% of the allowed monthly executions, your web service will be limited for the calendar month. The web service limit means you might be having problems accessing your website.
How to lower resource usage
For your convenience, we have opened a report on the monthly number of executions in your User area, from where you can navigate to optimize your resource usage:
Consider upgrade
If your website will require more server resources on a regular basis, please consider upgrading to one of our higher plans. In addition to our standard service plans, you can also join the beta test for our new cloud platform and get 2 months of FREE hosting. Learn more about the terms of the test here: Learn More
Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation!
Best regards,
The SiteGround Team