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Show us pictures of your canoe vehicle with boat(s)

I saw a car going down the road with a canoe cross wise like that, he was about a 1/2 mile from an outfitter and I’m guessing they forgot to tie it down. I don’t know how it ended, I was heading the other direction.
" added e bikes and a cap this year"

Looks good Sean, I've had a cap on my trucks for 40 years and am now cappless, I miss the convenience but like the better visibility. Having the crew cab makes the cap not so necessary for me.

We also got new bikes, not ebikes though, and are having a great time and getting in better shape. I find similarities in peddling up hills to portaging. It looks like you are ready to go have some fun, let us know about your trips.
Thanks Al! I never thought I would be a cap guy, but I figured why not?

The Ebikes have been a blast. I highly recommend them. If anyone here is on the fence, pull the trigger! Mine has a hub motor, so hills are still a challenge. I found this out the hard way.

Next trip will most likely be the Burlington area. Lake Champlain for the canoe and the Island Line rail trail for the bikes.
there is a way to get two boats on one YETI. You just take two wooden beams

Kahel, two questions. Are those Czech Škoda vehicles popular in Germany? How often in Germany does anyone see not one, but two, open canoes on top of any vehicle?
Yes, the SKODA is very popular here in Germany ... and you don't often see one with a boat on the roof - especially not one with two open canoes.
But if you go to a Canoemeeting during a weekend somwhere in Germany the frequency is exponentially high to see vehicles with one and / or more Canoes on the roof.
No Skodas here (that I know of), but I remember when I first started canoeing in the Chicago area and after joining the canoe club there, if any member saw a vehicle with a canoe on the roof, they knew who it was. This was 1965, greater Chicago area population about 6.5 million at the time. When I moved west to Oregon in 1979, that was no longer true there. It's not true out here since moving either, metro Portland area population about 2.5 million.
My 2001 Jeep TJ with my Northstar Phoenix. Bought the Jeep new in 2001, then somewhere around 2012 or so the kids both “borrowed” when they went off to college. I would occasionally get to drive it when they came home for the Summer or holidays. It came home for good last Fall when the repairs became more than they were willing to do…..Still more work to be done, but it is atleast driveable now! Met some buddies at a nearby lake for an early morning paddle a couple of days ago, hence the photo.

My 2001 Jeep TJ

I'm not sure I've ever seen a yellow jeep. I have a yellow 1995 Ford Mustang, which has bounced around my family, is undriven for two years, and I'm not sure what to do with it. Certainly not a canoe vehicle, unless I put a trailer hitch on it. Hmmm . . .
This summer in maine’s western mountains along with our Pakboat 165T. View attachment 137381

Spenny, welcome to site membership!

Feel free to ask any questions and to post messages, photos and videos, and to start threads, in our many forums. Please read Welcome to CanoeTripping and Site Rules! Also, please add your location to your profile, which will cause it to show under your avatar, as this is a geographic sport. How to do that, and how to use many other of the site's technical features, are explained in Features: Help and How-To Running Thread. We look forward to your participation in our canoe community.

Does 165T mean that the boat is a 16.5 foot tandem? I didn't know folding canoes could be car topped when assembled.
Spenny, welcome to site membership!

Feel free to ask any questions and to post messages, photos and videos, and to start threads, in our many forums. Please read Welcome to CanoeTripping and Site Rules! Also, please add your location to your profile, which will cause it to show under your avatar, as this is a geographic sport. How to do that, and how to use many other of the site's technical features, are explained in Features: Help and How-To Running Thread. We look forward to your participation in our canoe community.

Does 165T mean that the boat is a 16.5 foot tandem? I didn't know folding canoes could be car topped when assembled.
Thanks for the welcome.
It’s the length, 16.5 feet and the T means it’s the narrow version which is supposed to be better for solo paddling, although you can buy the wider ribs to make it the wide version. You can make it a tandem or solo just by where you install the seats. We bought the optional 3rd seat which can be installed in the middle since I have 3 kids and there are usually 3 of us in the boat. I liked that because it’s essentially 3 boats in one, solo, tandem, triple, plus it gets stored inside.
when we picked it up from pakboat, he said it was ok to car top. I put 2 straps around the boat to keep it from blowing out, and I wouldn’t take it on the freeway, but have had it up to 60 on back roads. That said most of the time we are going 40 or way less, like on logging or fire roads.
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