I'm working on my last two non wood canoes, and unless someone drops one in my lap, hopefully my last non wood canoes. Life goes by too quickly for a guy like me to work on plastic stuff. There was a sign in Schuyler Thomson's shop that read "If God wanted us to paddle plastic canoes he would have grown plastic trees", ok, of the soap box.
An Old Town FG Stillwater 14' x 36" (good for photography and fly fishing per on line reviews) and a 16' x 33" FG Mohawk (chopergun) which actually looks like it will be a nice paddling canoe.

An Old Town FG Stillwater 14' x 36" (good for photography and fly fishing per on line reviews) and a 16' x 33" FG Mohawk (chopergun) which actually looks like it will be a nice paddling canoe.