Ok, since it’s you guy’s fault im even considering another boat i thought your combined expertise may he helpful if i go down this path.
All the information i’ve been exposed to on this site has stirred desire for a little higher grade boat than the Discovery. The bigest problem is shipping. I have no problem shelling out $3700 for a Northstar B16 but the shipping and concern for shipping problems would add appreciably to the project.
Then right out of the blue, i stumbled onto these folks who are within 30 miles of me; offering what looks like decent, higher end boats, and i can “buy local”. They do not look as “well finished” as a Northstar but if the strength is there and the weight manageable; id be fine with that!
I'm interested in some variant of the Prospector and will call tomorrow to discuss the options shown; then i’ll drive over and heft one to feel the difference. At 72, I cant jerk the Discovery over my head and wonder how different hefting 47 rather than 77 feels?
If you’re inclined, peruse they’re site and tell me what you’d choose and why.
Thanks, Mike
All the information i’ve been exposed to on this site has stirred desire for a little higher grade boat than the Discovery. The bigest problem is shipping. I have no problem shelling out $3700 for a Northstar B16 but the shipping and concern for shipping problems would add appreciably to the project.
Then right out of the blue, i stumbled onto these folks who are within 30 miles of me; offering what looks like decent, higher end boats, and i can “buy local”. They do not look as “well finished” as a Northstar but if the strength is there and the weight manageable; id be fine with that!
I'm interested in some variant of the Prospector and will call tomorrow to discuss the options shown; then i’ll drive over and heft one to feel the difference. At 72, I cant jerk the Discovery over my head and wonder how different hefting 47 rather than 77 feels?
If you’re inclined, peruse they’re site and tell me what you’d choose and why.
Thanks, Mike

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