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Screen Names

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You are welcome.

I fit into the lone wolf category.

There are much worse things it could be, like Christine's handle at MyCCR which is Segosih. In Cree it means Weasel. Ain't no way anyone is making a movie called "Dancing with Weasels".

You'll have to ask her the why when she returns from vacation back home in the Niagara Peninsula of Ontario.

I think weasels are fine! We were talking with a Ranger a couple of days ago on the Allagash and he was recounting wildlife stories. One was of a weasel after mice.. The Weasel would plunge into a hole.. a wee scream ensued and then the Weasel emerged with mouse taco... Repeat at next mouse hole. Hence the song "Pop goes the Weasel " perhaps?

Weasels are fearsome. Our resident fisher has the cat population under control. Its got some work to do on the mice but I am glad it is there.
When I lived on a fly-in reserve, I started to learn a fair bit of the Anishinabe language. There are a few dialects, where I was the language was referred to as oji-cree, which I guess means it's a mixture of Ojibway and Cree, although the Ojibway spoken down here is more or less the same. Anyway, one day while canoeing, a strange butterfly was following me for many miles. It would land on the canoe and even on me, and stayed with me for hours. I asked one of the ladies what a butterfly was called, and she said memaquay, which has stuck with me. Physically, I resemble a butterfly about as much as horse's arse resembles a rose, but I've always been fascinated by chrysalis and transformation.

My son has a German girlfriend right now, and she told me the word for butterfly in German is "smeterling", which sounds like a bad rash or something, so I'm glad my butterfly friend followed me down the Albany and not the Danube.
Ponderosa pine is the most magnificent of timber trees.

Ponderosa wasn't the most magnificent of restaurants though...

I got the other one that was puzzling me. Danke Herr Schmetterling.

I like weasels as well. I feel I'm more a weasel than a bird, if I had a spirit creature. I'm definitely not a wolf... but I always liked the sound of the French oi.

The other one I debated was l'ananas - which means pineapple in French. But it was just a bit too fruity for me.
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squirrelly- Unable to make up one's mind. Darting back and forth for no apparant reason. Doing things for no logical reason!!
Taking my own sweet time ever so slowly.
I am so happy ppine stands for what I thought might be the representation. Though I keep thinking Coulter Pine. Ever had one of those behemoth cones hit your car??
I was a Combat Engineer in the Army and sweeping for land mines was part of the job

When I paddle or hike I usually do it in the sweeper position

When I hike alone I usually start very early in the morning and end up sweeping the cobwebs out of the trail

22 years as a Building Maintenance Custodian for the Postal Service
Clearly my screen name represents my former vocation...at one time I had a very attractive physique and many, many dollar bills to spend!

I have been building and paddling strip canoes since 1978. When we would go wilderness tripping, we would often bump into the same people, several times a year. I became known not by my given name, but as "that guy with the strippers".
Flash forward about 30 years, and you see the screen name was already a given.
Clearly my screen name represents my former vocation...at one time I had a very attractive physique and many, many dollar bills to spend!


When my wife first looked on this forum and the other one you frequent, she saw your screen name and was appalled. She thought it meant you were someone who was a regular at the strip club.

I explained to her what it really meant, but still to this day, when I see the name I picture an extra at the counter of the Bada Bing! rather than a cedar strip canoe.
I gotta side with l'oiseau on this one too Mike... when my wife first saw your name, I think it was either on Adirondack Forums or the old Solo Tripping, she did a double take and I got a "what exactly are you reading" from her. I had to go to one of your build threads to convince her... at that point, she realized I wasn't the only crazy guy making his own canoes... so thanks.
I gotta side with l'oiseau on this one too Mike... when my wife first saw your name, I think it was either on Adirondack Forums or the old Solo Tripping, she did a double take and I got a "what exactly are you reading" from her. I had to go to one of your build threads to convince her... at that point, she realized I wasn't the only crazy guy making his own canoes... so thanks.

I had a thread on another forum titled "Cedar Lakes weekend with Strippers"...some folks were really disappointed to find only photos of boats and camping!!
I kind of enjoy those ambiguous titles and names...
My daughter even made me a coffee cup with some of my favorite ADK photos and "stripperguy" printed across the edge.
Robin, that's my first name. I was born in the spring and my Mom said she thought of robins....

I like the Mike McCrea's, Glenn MacGrady's, Charlie Wilson's...yea that's my name internet world, now what!
I'm called Scoutergriz because a long time ago I had a bit of an accident involving a 2x4 hitting me across the chest just before a scout competition camp. All weekend long I couldn't figure out why I didn't have any strength in my left arm, couldn't breathe properly, and couldn't sleep any way but on my right side. The adults were put in patrols and did the events alongside the kids, and our patrol won over the other leader patrols (this was after showing up at a previous camp the day after being discharged from intensive care from a burst appendix and septic shock!)
On the following Monday I arrived with my left arm in a sling and my entire chest bandaged- apparently the 2x4 had broken two ribs, torn several muscles, and bruised my lung. One of the other leaders asked "who do you think you are 'Grizzly Adams' ?"
The next thing I knew the kids started calling me "Scouter Grizzly", the name stuck and over time became Scoutergriz
Coulter pines have the largest heaviest cones in the Western Hemisphere. We are lucky their range is limited to California. Foresters wear hard hats for a reason. Get in the habit of lookingup when in a forest. It is especially important when deciding where to sleep on a windy day.
Hi all,

I've been a member for a little while now, but this is my first post, I figured this was a good way to introduce myself.

The name 'kolo' is a shortened version of 'kolohetkwa' (my phonetic spelling). The history behind this name goes back a few years. Many years ago, the idea of building my own canoe grabbed me and didn't let go. Due to circumstances (grad school, living in apartments, etc), it took a few years before the opportunity presented itself to finally build the canoe.

Several years before the actual building, I was driving home and listening to the radio, and a lady from the Shushwap Nation was being interviewed. I can't for the life of me remember what the exact topic was, but at one point in the interview, the term 'kolohetkwa' was used, and described as meaning 'little ripples'. I thought it was a great name for a canoe, so I promptly wrote it down when I got home and filed it away. About 3 years ago, the canoe was finally built and christened kolohetkwa, and is the avatar on the left.

As a side note, the other thread on beers with canoe references reminded me that kolohetkwa was christened with La Maudite. How could I not use a beer with a flying canoe?!