You are welcome.
I fit into the lone wolf category.
There are much worse things it could be, like Christine's handle at MyCCR which is Segosih. In Cree it means Weasel. Ain't no way anyone is making a movie called "Dancing with Weasels".
You'll have to ask her the why when she returns from vacation back home in the Niagara Peninsula of Ontario.
I think weasels are fine! We were talking with a Ranger a couple of days ago on the Allagash and he was recounting wildlife stories. One was of a weasel after mice.. The Weasel would plunge into a hole.. a wee scream ensued and then the Weasel emerged with mouse taco... Repeat at next mouse hole. Hence the song "Pop goes the Weasel " perhaps?
Weasels are fearsome. Our resident fisher has the cat population under control. Its got some work to do on the mice but I am glad it is there.