• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️


The party is not quite over in the knife build thread. I still have to make Mem a sheath. So don't be putting your coats on and heading for the door just yet. You have no idea how much I enjoyed everyone's participation in the build thread. Thank you every one.
Robin, was your granddaughter born in a canoe? Just look at how intuitively she reacted and got lower to steady that canoe. Thanks to all for making this raffle happen!
Robin, 'The Internet Guy' thank you for all you do to keep this site up and running. After checking my email this is the first site I come to read. There was never any doubt that this drawing being legitimate. I would believe it GOPro or not.

Congratulations Menaquay, and thanks Rippy.

It's a special site that we are ready to invest in to keep it going.
Rippy, you may need to have a black leather sheath for the Ripster to offset the decidedly limp wristed profile of the Hipster. I am still thinking shoulder rig too.lol.

The antler handle has a certain appeal fashionwise, much like Patton's pearl handled pistols. All its missing is a lanyard. Interestingly enough, I was stationed in Baden Soellingen for two years, not sure if it might have been made there. MY god I just had a thought....Mem is going to need one of those leather Indiana Jones type hats to wear with it to round out his ensemble. Worn in a suitably rakish, Errol Flynn kind of way. I can see it now, swinging out of the woods on a rope...."Welcome to Marshall". This might go well with your retirement business eh Rob?

I guess I will have to swing both ways again, with the Plaid Prancer on on side and Ripster on the other.

I thought that the Plaid Prancer dangled in front. I hope you will wear them separately. Wear the Prancer while prancing, and the Ripster while hunting Spam.
What's that knife #2 look like out of the plaid dancer's sheath? Please give us a look.
I'm not going anywhere Rippy. Party's not over yet. I'd love to see the sheath build.
My wife's middle name is also Claire. Thought she had good karma for the knife draw, but them's the breaks. (She had ticket # 36) We were both watching the draw together snuggled on the comfy divan, and as the camera zoomed in to the list we were both saying "There it is! There's my number! There it is!!"
When memequay's number showed up we just laughed our socks off!!

Memequay will have to give us "the big reveal"...and I don't mean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twOUAUKurFw
I mean a big reveal of his knives in action. Canned ham slicing will do for now, in his backyard...
Klick Non-Intensive Fantasy Entertainment tent, or the KNIFE tent for short.
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Iskweo, as for memequay's garb...weren't we talking this past summer about his attire for his retirement project, as "a guide with flair"? If I remember correctly chaps came into the conversation somewhere? They could be plaidasslessportagecuttingchaps.
What's that knife #2 look like out of the plaid dancer's sheath? Please give us a look.

I would be interested to see a picture as well. Mike and I "PM ed" about this knife and it's an old enough "Solingen" knife to to be of decent quality. I think the knife just needs some TLC.
I have no opinion on what the sheath needs.
You guys are killing me! I have to admit that I came back off the wagon last night when the band was practicing, and slurped back a few B. Lites. When I got home, I immediately checked the interwebs and clicked on Robin's video. My wife made me pause it to fix us both a drink, a white russian, of all things for her, and a whiskey for me. I was ready to press the button, but she told me to wait, she had a bunch of other things to do, so I sat rather impatiently for about five minutes, with my finger on the play button. When I finally watched the video, I knew I had won as soon as Robin said "I can't believe it"....I started to squeal like a teenage girl at a Justin Beiber concert. I laughed my arse off at the second part of the draw, that was priceless.

Once I have the Ripster in my hand, I am going to make a series of videos and post them for you guys, stuff like The Ripster Does Nakina, The Ripster Does The Steel River, The Ripster Does Spam, The Ripster Vs Baby Bunnies, lots of good clean stuff like that.

Once again, thanks to everyone for the fun, it's been the highlight of my season. I've never owned something of such exceeding beauty and quality, and it will be my constant companion on many adventures. Thanks so much Rippy and Robin! Thanks Mike for completely owning me in the Ripster duels, and doing it once again last night. And thanks to everyone who contributed and made this so much fun.
What's that knife #2 look like out of the plaid dancer's sheath? Please give us a look.

Here's the Hipster

I wonder if you can, with Rippy's advice, give that Hipster a make-over?
A clean and polish?
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Congrats Mem! I hoisted a cold one in your honor to the win! Robin thank you for keeping the website up and going, I know it is a struggle at times! Rippy, it's been an honor to watch you bring the Ripster to life, have enjoyed every minute of the build, I will never have those skills. McCrea, you are still as twisted and devious as the first time I met you years ago, cudo's on the Hipster flaking sheath knife! Now what the hell am I going to do with that case of Spam I bought? I hate Spam!
Thanks Mike for completely owning me in the Ripster duels, and doing it once again last night. And thanks to everyone who contributed and made this so much fun.

Your performance in the Ripster duals had me pulling for you to win the knife, to the point that if I won there was going to be a followup re-gifting “raffle” in which every name in the basket was going to be Memaquay.

3[SUP]rd[/SUP] prize, an open can of Bud Lite goes to . . . . Memaquay.
2[SUP]nd[/SUP] prize, a dented can of Spam goes to, shucks. . . . Memaquay.
1[SUP]st[/SUP] prize, the Ripster, goes to, dang. . . . Memaquay again.

That lovely knife would have been wasted on me. I don’t trip with many other people and keep my sheath knife in my essentials bag. No one would ever have seen that beautiful blade and that couldn’t be the future of Rippy’s fine work.

Robin and I did briefly consider the chance of you winning the Ripster but didn’t actually plan for that possibility. His stunned reaction when he pulled your raffle number was priceless. I know he was happy the knife was going to a deserving home, but I had to watch the video a couple of times just for Robin’s stammering “what next” befuddlement.

That really was the luck of the draw and could not have worked out better. Thanks to Robin for carrying on with the video in the turn of events.

About “The Hipster” (love that name, the Ripster and the Hipster). It is a Solingen “Stag” model 5 inch fixed blade hunting knife, German made and best I can tell dates from the 1960’s, so it is probably decent carbon steel.

It was shoved unused behind the pegboard in my shop for as long as I can remember and the blade desperately needs to be cleaned and sharpened. It would make a mess of a baby rabbit, although in its current condition it will still slice Spam or cut a Tim Horton’s bagel.

The Hipster really should go on some Outters trip. Maybe start off wearing the Ripster and switch to the Hipster part way through to see how observant your companions are. With the knife raffle banter ending we will need something to look forward to, so I’m hoping for tales of a Ripster & Hipster trip, with a NSFW campfire appearance by the Plaid Prancer.

We’re counting on you Mem.
McCrea, you are still as twisted and devious as the first time I met you years ago, cudo's on the Hipster flaking sheath knife!

Flakey my arse. The glitter lettering and spangles are adhered on a bead of Gorilla Glue, with continued to expand for several days into a blobby comic sans font. To assure longevity I over sprayed the sheath with clear acrylic. It is a sheath for the ages, or as long as it takes Memaquay to fashion a new one.

Twisted? Devious? Say what?

I mailed you that steam bent piece of laminated ash today. It may have been the best Post Office reaction to a Doug D package yet. Postman Geoff flipped it over at the counter looking for the faux label he knew would be festooned on the back, muttered “Oh my God” and proceeded to handle it by delicately grasping one corner between his thumb and finger.

Post Mistress Kathy came out from the back to see and for the first time in several years of prank labels looked less amused than horrified.

Say hello to your mail lady Tara for me. Someday you really should introduce yourself to the folks at the Penacook Post Office, so they can match a face with an infamous name.

The next package will be one you have to go and sign for.
I ain't never going to go to the Penacook PO to get something. Remember that episode of the Soup Nazi on Seinfild? That would be the current PO guy there. If my mail lady hands me your package with rubber gloves on I will know you have done one hell of a job with the label, hell, she may just throw it on the driveway!

Sweeper, you know this area? Should hook up someday for a paddle somewhere local. And for the record Bud Light isn't on my menu!
I grew up just above the jct of the Tookie and the Merrimack on the Boscawen side. I've paddled the Merrimack from the County Farm to Sewells Falls bridge a few times and the Tookie down from Tookie. Both are nice quit paddles. It's always good to go home and paddle and I swore off everything but craft beers at the turn of the century. Yes, I am a Beer Snob.