Thanks Mike for completely owning me in the Ripster duels, and doing it once again last night. And thanks to everyone who contributed and made this so much fun.
Your performance in the Ripster duals had me pulling for you to win the knife, to the point that if I won there was going to be a followup re-gifting “raffle” in which every name in the basket was going to be Memaquay.
3[SUP]rd[/SUP] prize, an open can of Bud Lite goes to . . . . Memaquay.
2[SUP]nd[/SUP] prize, a dented can of Spam goes to, shucks. . . . Memaquay.
1[SUP]st[/SUP] prize, the Ripster, goes to,
dang. . . . Memaquay again.
That lovely knife would have been wasted on me. I don’t trip with many other people and keep my sheath knife in my essentials bag. No one would ever have seen that beautiful blade and that couldn’t be the future of Rippy’s fine work.
Robin and I did briefly consider the chance of you winning the Ripster but didn’t actually plan for that possibility. His stunned reaction when he pulled your raffle number was priceless. I know he was happy the knife was going to a deserving home, but I had to watch the video a couple of times just for Robin’s stammering “what next” befuddlement.
That really was the luck of the draw and could not have worked out better. Thanks to Robin for carrying on with the video in the turn of events.
About “The Hipster” (love that name, the Ripster and the Hipster). It is a Solingen “Stag” model 5 inch fixed blade hunting knife, German made and best I can tell dates from the 1960’s, so it is probably decent carbon steel.
It was shoved unused behind the pegboard in my shop for as long as I can remember and the blade desperately needs to be cleaned and sharpened. It would make a mess of a baby rabbit, although in its current condition it will still slice Spam or cut a Tim Horton’s bagel.
The Hipster really should go on some Outters trip. Maybe start off wearing the Ripster and switch to the Hipster part way through to see how observant your companions are. With the knife raffle banter ending we will need something to look forward to, so I’m hoping for tales of a Ripster & Hipster trip, with a NSFW campfire appearance by the Plaid Prancer.
We’re counting on you Mem.