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Question: Never Boat Alone

back when you could grow an awesome, Bob Foote ponytail.

If you are referring to the author photo accompanying those articles, there is a story of course.

I was in the midst of a solo paddle down Boquillas Canyon in Big Bend. One of the side canyons where I camped was home to a small band of wild horses.

Wild-ish. Not so wild that they were not invasively curious about my campsite. When they got overly curious about my tent and gear I would jump up and shout BOOGABOOGABOOGA. They would run off a ways, but soon return. It got to be a game, and I was willing to play if they were.

I made a grassy headdress and began crawling through the underbrush with a flimsy reed spear, whereupon I would jump up, throw my 1 ounce spear and shout BOOGABOOGABOOGA.

I swear I heard them laughing at me, so I took that timer self-portrait. OK, they probably were laughing.

Hoping and waiting for a longer trip report, even if sans Go-Pro video. BTW, do those things float? Someone may have awesome video of your swim at Hance.

Seriously, write that crap while the feeling is fresh. A few decades down the line you will be thankful.
I too am waiting for thoughts, feelings, pain and glory all scribbled eloquently iggely piggely on page and paper. Fresh as blood and pure as sweat. Put it down and share the glimpse of Godliness. I can only imagine, and only faintly so.
I've paddled alone a lot on day jaunts but never on a trip. I like being with people. I think its more fun. It's definitely safer. But, I totally respect my friends who enjoy solo trips. It's just not for me.
Bcelect: nice link. I try to keep vigilent and study the various ways people die on the water. I'm convinced that anyone who spends time on the water ought to study the many ways it can kill you. One of the surest methods for MITIGATING catastrophe on any trip--not simply solo trips but any trip--is education and knowledge. Charlie Walbridge's database (I know it's not his anymore but it will always be his), is a great and useful tool for such study. Your link apears to be one as well. Thanks.