• Happy International Women's Day! 👩🏻‍🦰👩🏽‍🦳👩‍🦱🙆‍♀️

Post Apocalypse Tripping World

I would never be comfortable living in the West. Houses have walled yards. And gated commnuities. Unheard of here. Understand it is because of water supply. We do not have city water just a well as everyone else here does.

I live in Montana now, and have lived in Washington, California, Oregon, Utah, Alaska, Wyoming and Colorado. Never any gated communities. Almost all were well-based water systems. But we have enough people.....
total speculation here, but I get the feeling that the Canada/US border will be closed to non-essential even after the restrictions have been loosened within the provinces / country. So for a park like Quetico, where the majority users are American, this would a be a good year for Canadians to step up and help out the Canadian outfitters and plan a trip there. i imagine the southern parts of the park, adjacent to the BWCA and used most often by our American cousins, will be empty.
Travel within the province is strongly discouraged at the moment and all parks and crown land are closed till at least the end of May. Could be the whole summer. Tripping in Ontario might not happen this year.
Well, I think my original observation is spot on. Based on what I saw yesterday, people are chomping at the bit to get out. Really, I never knew there were so many DIY paddlers around. I erroneously figured outfitters were responsible for all the screaming, boom box carrying groups of amateurs in rubber rafts, plastic fluorescent monstrosities filled with beer coolers and lawn chairs. Tripping after the apocalypse will likely be a similar clusterfork.
Travel within the province is strongly discouraged at the moment and all parks and crown land are closed till at least the end of May. Could be the whole summer. Tripping in Ontario might not happen this year.

I am impressed our two levels of government so far are not caving in to the snowflake community who are whining for their personal recreational freedoms. So far so good. As far as I'm concerned the greater good (ie community lives and health) are more important than individual social pursuits (ie shopping entertainment and camp play). But in our narcissist times it is often too much to ask that we place others ahead of ourselves. That's an impossibly big ask for some. But not for all.
Meanwhile back in my own soap bubble world all is good, or at least as well as can be. I bide my time and follow the sensible social distance rules. The masses pass by suitably respecting one another along our city sidewalk. Everyone is friendly and happy. Young and old, dogs and people, all agreeing on the fly who takes the walkway and who veers off course onto the grass median, the city street...all waving hello how are ya. And I wave back. An elderly neighbour stops and we chat awhile. He tells me of an impromptu concert he took part in with his daughter, both at a healthy distance from one another whilst seated in his open garage, he on violin she on cello; the neighbours all gathering together 6 feet apart to listen, and talk, and share, and smile. It can be done. And for the sake of others it shall be done. I too have family working in the healthcare system. It's not a very healthy safe place to work at the moment. But that's what some people do. They put others first.
Well, I think my original observation is spot on. Based on what I saw yesterday, people are chomping at the bit to get out. Really, I never knew there were so many DIY paddlers around. I erroneously figured outfitters were responsible for all the screaming, boom box carrying groups of amateurs in rubber rafts, plastic fluorescent monstrosities filled with beer coolers and lawn chairs. Tripping after the apocalypse will likely be a similar clusterfork.

That is in your area. Can't be extrapolated to all. Have no noticed it here. Of course it snowed last week and our first warm day (60 ) was yesterday, We do get those rowdies on one rive in summer though the Fryeburg PD has a patrol boat now and enforces BUI.
total speculation here, but I get the feeling that the Canada/US border will be closed to non-essential even after the restrictions have been loosened within the provinces / country. So for a park like Quetico, where the majority users are American, this would a be a good year for Canadians to step up and help out the Canadian outfitters and plan a trip there. i imagine the southern parts of the park, adjacent to the BWCA and used most often by our American cousins, will be empty.

Hope not. Our nearest city that we love to visit is Quebec. And we depend on Canadians and them us for recreational facilities. I don't know that the Quebecois will be able to flock to Old Orchard Beach this summer. That beach is open for walking only not sitting.

I can see temperature taking at the border and people from hot spots not being allowed to cross. We are not a hot spot and do share a whole lot of border with Canada. However New Brunswick has had a total of 105 cases ( but a lack of testing) and we have had about 1300. Far cry from Michigans 43,000

BWCA is opening up. May 18
I checked the Covid 19 advisories for the State of Maine and was surprised to see that State Parks and public land camping is available to residents of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, seemingly without 14 day quarantine requirements. I hope I'm not reading it wrong. If true that is a game changer!
I checked the Covid 19 advisories for the State of Maine and was surprised to see that State Parks and public land camping is available to residents of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, seemingly without 14 day quarantine requirements. I hope I'm not reading it wrong. If true that is a game changer!

C'mon up! All of us northern New Englanders have similar numbers of cooties, apparently.
Additionally, the State will exempt residents of New Hampshire and Vermont from the testing and 14-day quarantine requirement altogether because, when adjusted for population, the prevalence of active cases of COVID-19 in these states is similar to that in Maine.
Thanks goonstroke and yellow canoe! We're happily considering trip possibilities now. Here we come!
Alaska has been open since the beginning of the month. Some parts were never shut down.
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