Sorry for the digression. It's a rabbit hole that we need not go down.
Still waiting. Pretty sure that we will discourage tourists....
Well, the apocalypse won't be nearly as tragic if there are other worlds with the unique life sustaining characteristics, water, an atmosphere, wildlife. Just knowing humans aren't screwing up the only place in the universe capable of having blue skies and wildlife is reassuring. I don't really care about finding "intelligent" life in the universe as life itself.
Sorry for the rabbit hole. Needless to say tripping won't be likely after a real apocalypse, but on the bright side, there will be lots of great canoes and equipment lying about for the taking.
Still waiting. Pretty sure that we will discourage tourists and that the North Maine Woods will be open especially if we self shuttle. The Canada Border is iffy: would love to be paddling in Labrador and Quebec (Manicougan ) Meanwhile we find peace at home. We paddled some ten miles on our local lake system enjoying the company of loons and fishermen. Absent are the out of staters with overpowered boats. Sat half an hour just listening to the sound of running water at a beaver dam and watching the eagles.
Think we will put in at Lily Bay and paddle up Moosehead Lake camping at BPL primitive sites , do the Northeast Carry to the West Branch of the Penobscot and take out after descending Chesumcook Lake at Allagash Gateway campground. The self shuttle will take a day to set up but doable Probably do a lot of poking up toward Round Pond and Umbazooksus. The trip ought to take some 15-18 days.
The wildlife I note does not think of these times as apocalyptic. We did a five mile paddle on a local river and the loons mergansers and turtles herons and deer were out.. The deer were a little chuffy... who are these interlopers in the red thing?
Of course it's too late to start such a trip in style with a Skinny Dip Sandwich from the Black Frog Restaurant.
Ha! That should go in the humor thread! Seems like gender discrimination that the men were found guilty but the woman was not.
In the West, it is always possible to escape the crowds. Go during the week, go to the places that are not in guide books. Go to places with crummy put ins. If it is crowded, I am not interested.