Very nice cake! I think that stuff might dry naturally to a hard piece. Now, wouldn't it have been funny if when you cut it open, it was a bolognie cake?
From Cedar River Flow a couple weeks ago, my camping buddy's photo. Oh, and this is from his stinkin' cellphone!!
An explanation: I heard it raining pretty hard as I woke up. Buddy is telling me there's a rainbow, c'mon out and see it. So I have to put on my socks, pants, shirt, rain pants, rain jacket, boots.
Grab my camera and what do I see? A little speck of a rainbow, hardly worth climbing out of a warm, dry tent to see. I guess I should have gotten dressed a little quicker...
I'd like to share a photo of my Winter Beard. Double chocolate cranberry? Hm. Interesting gift for my 64th birthday, and much appreciated. I'll save it to share with other visiting family stout lovers tomorrow.
Although only some of us have winter beards all of us have stout interests.
Anyone else sporting a winter beard?