• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

Photo of the day

Spirits!! These things followed us to Little Tupper Lake last weekend.
They seem to show up most often when I have a tripod with me...
Film image.

Hi Robin,

Giving my knee a test after my March 2013 accident and 2 year rehab. Was able to kneel for 20 minute periods. Overproduction of synovial fluid makes for a very tight knee cap when leg is bent. The knee should be ok for future trips however a shoulder impingement from a off balance canoe lift cause me more trouble paddling and a lot of pain at night. Managed 5 days by myself. By early spring I'll know more.

By the way it was beautiful in LV this late August - early September both weather wise and solitude wise. seen one tandem canoe, one fisherman (on circuit 34) near Larouche. Only 45 minutes of rain in 5 days. The North - East side of Jean-Pere was closed because of too many bears raiding the camping sites over that way. I seen only one bear and that was driving into the "put in" at Lac Fracan.

Was nice to get out solo after missing 2 years. Hope I have a few more years left.

Take care my friend,

Outside Homer Alaska, late September 2013. My brother on a late evening 'beer run' to a nearby lodge. This ties in with a lengthy post under the "Safety" section. DSCF8332.JPG