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Pesty Carp

The silver carp tend to hang out in the shallows of rivers in groups. If you can avoid the shallows, you have a better chance of avoiding them. The first few times I saw the jumping silver carp it was something of a novelty. I have now come to hate them.

Last time I paddled the Wabash, I had two in the canoe simultaneously thrashing about wildly with others bashing into both sides of the boat. I have been struck by one in the shoulder with considerable force. I can no longer take my dogs in the boat paddling the larger Indiana rivers. They are only about 25 lbs a piece and could very well be injured by these fish. Even if they were not, I do not know if I could remain upright with a couple of dogs and a couple of fish all going wild in a small canoe.
The Asian carp are quite edible, but a pain to clean.

They are bony, and slimy, but the flesh is tasty. I've eaten them, prepared as deep fried, and they are good ! I was NOT involved with the cleaning however !

There is a commercial market for them. I believe they are shipped over seas mostly, but I can't verify that.
