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Pain relief

Sep 26, 2013
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Colrain MA
I spent the day hoeing out the attic in the barn preping for a weekend neighborhood wide yard sale and my knee is telling me I overdid it. Which got me thinking about a forming a poll like "drinks" per day, but I don't take pain relievers that often and am allergic to aspirin and it's cousins to know about type of relievers or the doses.

So here's the topic for discussion: How much, of what pain reliever do you use when canoeing?
I take 800 mg* of Ibuprofen occasionally, for joint and/or muscle pain. If I know I'll be doing something likely to make me sore, I sometimes take it before the activity.

(*200 mg is the regular, OTC dosage, but 800 is what my doctor has recommended for me based on my size.)
For an arthritic wrist I will take 440mg (2 pills) of naproxen sodium (Aleve) the night before a paddle and one 220mg pill the morning of the paddle. That reduces the inflammation and pain from arthritis. I also used it for my arthritic knee, but since ithe knee was replaced 5 years ago that arthritis pain is no longer with me.
Vitamin I 200 mg is nothing. up to 800 mg. I had a knee replacement in Oct so the real answer is "I have no idea!". I spent 30 minutes kneeling in the yard today.. Working up to canoe trip length kneeling. Finally its quite comfortable for that period of time.
220 mg of naproxen works like magic for me. twice a day if it's bad.
I rarely take anything, but when I do it is excedrin. combo aspirin and acetominaphin, the extra strength also has caffeine.
Nothing seems to work for me anymore.... I've tried some heavy stuff and decided to cope with pain. 3 discs that are quite damages so heavy sciatic pain in my legs... Stuff like Pregabalin is supposed to be great... But not so great for me I guess!!!
Ibuprofen and naproxen work well for me, too bad they are bad for your liver.

Yes, they are reported to be bad if used long term. Acetaminophen supposedly is less damaging but perhaps not as effective for some pains.

When my lower back acts up bad, I take 600 mg ibuprofen alternating every 6 hours or so with 600 mg of acetaminophen to blunt the cumulative bad effects of the ibuprofen. I don't use naproxen mainly because it has a longer lasting effect and can't be alternated as easily as the other two. I also sometimes rotate in aspirin because I take low doses of it every day for heart prevention anyway.
Nothing seems to work for me anymore.... I've tried some heavy stuff and decided to cope with pain. 3 discs that are quite damages so heavy sciatic pain in my legs... Stuff like Pregabalin is supposed to be great... But not so great for me I guess!!!

I've got bad discs, as well - 2 lower back and one in my neck - and I haven't found anything that helps with that except epidural steroid injections and months of physical therapy.
Acetaminophen is a good pain reliever. I was told to take up to 4000 mg/day for pain post total knee replacement. I did for a couple of months. I was off narcotics the first week
Pregalbin is good for nerve pain. And not much else like muscles
I've got bad discs, as well - 2 lower back and one in my neck - and I haven't found anything that helps with that except epidural steroid injections and months of physical therapy.

Yeah, all mine are lower back... Epidural steroids wasn't offered to me for some reason... Physio a few times a week....
Yes Pregabalin is for the pain generated by the sciatic nerve.... Work some but not great!
I take tylenol and advil, as well as a couple of oxy in case crap gets real.
Luckily for me, my doctor has told me I have an extremely high tolerance for pain. Due to my A-fib, I can no longer take aspirin, Ibuprofen, etc. So to answer the original question...I don't take anything. I just deal with it; and thankfully it's not very often that I have to do that.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time....be well.

I try and take a couple extra strength apsirins 45 minutes before we leave the shore ... I find it helps with general aches and pains, plus it seems to alleviate stiffness occurring the next day.

Aleve in the AM or sometimes at night. And ALWAYS have a small bottle of Biofreeze roll-on. That stuff is magic for sore muscles and pulled muscles.
Modern medicine is really great, but it is not as good as good genes. As I get older I thank mother and father for that gift.
When I get my sinus headaches I reach for 3 ibuprofen. Here is a copy and paste from a google search:

"Ibuprofen and other NSAIDS rarely affect the liver. Unlike acetaminophen (Tylenol) most NSAIDs are absorbed completely and have negligible first-pass hepatic (liver) metabolism. In other words, the way NSAIDS are metabolized makes liver toxicity (hepatotoxicity) very rare."
I used to laugh whenever I'd hear my seven uncles comparing aches, pains and scars. This past winter standing outside a Cathedral after my very last uncle's funeral I realized I and my fellow generation in attendance had "stepped into their shoes" and were now "walking in them". Our wrinkles and grey hair had replaced rosy cheeks and tousled brown mops. And then the pain comparisons started. "I like my new knees but..." "Oh, my back, let me tell you..." "You want to see my scar? It's right here..." I didn't join in, but I half listened trying not to giggle, remembering my uncles and their ribald comments that always followed these discussions. "You know what works for my back? First I have your aunt put on her slip, then..." " Wait! BRAD! Go wait in the car."
These days I use a variety of muscle rubs for topical treatment. Aspirin doesn't work for me. I also tend to get migraines, which I try to control with preventative measures. I sometimes take pain relief for joint pain (knees). Only extra strength Ibuprofen or Tylenol works. I've promised my family I'll finally get my knees "scoped" this fall. (Or winter. Or next spring.) They feel really good right now, daily cycle rides are wonderful, this after having spent nearly 2 months hobbled from burning knife knee pains. You know what else helps? First I have my wife put on her slip...
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