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Nothing Fancy

Dang! I can't see them either here at my daughter's house...I'll have to fix them when I get home, can't seem to do it here.
Probably gonna use mahogany for all of the trim, uhm, gunnels will likely be 1-1/4 or 1 x 3/4 with a channel cut out to form a cap. Epoxied in place.
I built this same hull with 1 1/2 layers of 4 oz in and out, it was plenty strong but I wouldn't risk leaving out that 1/2 layer inside. Remember, most of the stresses are carried by the inner layers in tension.
Well, it's as done as it's getting at my house. Inside is sanded, seal coated and glassed. 1-1/2 layers of 6 oz inside and out. He wants it to be "sturdy".
Next step is to move it to his basement, gotta be out of this house (and boat shop) before the closing in a few weeks.

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Wow ... he ..errr... they are moving right along, you have motivated them, lol

I hope we still get updates when it gets moved.

We plan to move it to his house this week, it's finally going to be above freezing...gonna have to make some short, temporary gunnel sections and a thwart to be able to car top it.
The motivation came from the firm deadline, he needs that, I suppose. They're both looking forward to paddling it on an early season ADK wilderness trip.
Yes ! Deadlines are motivating !

On coming Semis, with a Left side wind, a two lane highway, at 55 mph can be Devastating ! Been there done that ,with a canoe With gunnels ! Good luck !
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We plan to move it to his house this week, it's finally going to be above freezing...gonna have to make some short, temporary gunnel sections and a thwart to be able to car top it.
The motivation came from the firm deadline, he needs that, I suppose. They're both looking forward to paddling it on an early season ADK wilderness trip.

What about putting a few station in it that would be connected together....
If I was going to try that, I would a) use temp gunnels with a slot that locks the sheer both ways b) wrap those ares with palletizing tape

That would lock the temp gunnels in and provide some wrap tension to keep it all secure ... the tape is pretty cheap, I get 4" at Staples.

No need for anything elaborate...
2 pieces of 2 x 4, slots cut in the top side to accept the sheer. Cleats added to the bottom side to lock the 2 by's to the roof racks. Strap down as usual.
Besides, he's only 4 miles from my house!
Of course, Ill have photos.
Getting it there all in One piece is all that matters !:)

I'll say!
I just got home from moving the last bits and pieces to his house, so he can finish the boat for a "manly" wilderness trip in early May.
I brought over a belt/disk sander (6 x 48 belt, 10" disk), the old trusty 14" Grizzly bandsaw, and the Grizzly dust collector. Along with all the hand tools and materials previously dropped off, he has everything he needs to finish up the build.
Oh, and I also delivered his spare Opet GT engine and transmission that I've stored for him for the last 14 years!!
Wow, Haven't updated this since we sold the house and became homeless!!

My son has been slowly pecking away at his build, I mean slowly. He seems to be motivated now, since he'll need his new boat for an early May wilderness canoe trip. I guess it doesn't have to be finished, just finished enough to be serviceable.
I went over his house the other evening to glass a couple panels for his decks and bulkheads. 1st panel quickly became for the bulkheads only as he sanded straight through, and then splintered the panel when the disk edge caught on the hole!! So, he stripped and sanded another panel for the decks only.
4 oz cloth and RAKA fast hardener. He was gonna do the 2nd side today, but was moaning about resin that dripped through his staple holes. Oh yeah, nearly every single staple that he used for those panels snapped off both legs...they weren't MY staples!! Must have been some dollar store staples. Anyway, he'll have to stop diddling around to get it ready for the May trip.

Oh, and the panels are THIN!! I measured them to be just about 3/32" thick! Pretty thin...

Finally, don't judge that 2nd photo too much, I took that photo before he was finished removing the excess resin.
It was all satin smooth when he was done.

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Nothing like a Deadline to motivate people !

Did the squeegee marks come out ?
Nothing like a Deadline to motivate people !

Did the squeegee marks come out ?

He needs that, I suppose.
Yeah, all the squeegee marks and excess resin were gone about a minute after I took that photo. He has since glassed the 2nd side and started to cut the panels into bulkheads and decks.
looking great. Should be ready for the trip.

Just aesthetics,but I think I might have been tempted to put a little camber in those decks, but with the plumb stems and straight sheer I guess 90 degrees works with everything else line wise.

My son is the same with big projects, starts out on fire then a few weeks in the reality of how long its going take to finish sets in, then inspiration comes in bursts and generally motivated by something else, but eventually it gets done. Having deadlines to use the thing you're making is the best motivator. Now I need to get off the dang computer and go work on my canoe.... :)