On 1 July 2023, a team of four, including my good friend and my fellow Yukon team paddler member, Eileen Visser, departed on their attempt to be the first to complete a kayak paddle of the entire 2000 mile Northwest Passage. Follow and suppport Eileen and her paddling partners on their journey here:
Track them here:
Wish them all the success and safety possible. Wish I was there with them.

Through a Land So Wild and Savage - The Arctic Cowboys
In 2012, at age 50, West Hansen began leading expeditions in the legendary faraway places of our ever-shrinking world. Fueled by the lure of a daily existence devoid of constant electronic input while traveling at a natural pace, the expeditions also seek out routes that have yet to be attained...

Arctic Cowboys Live Feed @ The Northwest Passage
Follow West Hansen, Jeff Wueste, and Eileen Visser, and Mark Agnew as they paddle the Northwest Passage.

Wish them all the success and safety possible. Wish I was there with them.