• Happy Birthday, Jack Kerouac (1922-69)! ✍🏻📖🛣️

Non slip floor covering for our dog and for poling on Royalex?

We're leaving here Monday morning headed to Marriotsville, MD for the night. We have some time to kill so if you're home and can stand some company for a bit I'd love to be able to put a face and voice to the posts you've made. Freeland is right on our route.

Lance, I have no Monday plans other than to play in the shop, and I’d welcome a visitor or two. I see you have a bun in the oven and will try to run the shop exhaust fan before you arrive.

Send me a private message on Canoe Tripping with your e-mail address* and I’ll send you my home address, directions and phone number. Four miles and two turns off I-81 just south of the Mason-Dixon Line.

*I somehow still eff up the CT private message function, and rarely check it.

Recped, if you are reading this, same for you, re the Dynel sleeve.
Hello Mike

The PM is sent. No bun in the oven but an American-English Coonhound in tow.....

Looking forward to meeting you.

Best regards to all,

No bun in the oven but an American-English Coonhound in tow.....

Well dang, that was fun.

The shop was a bit overcrowded with boats and gear and 4x8 table for on-going projects, but I got to meet Lance, who I kept wanting to call “Albert” (?), and Nancy, who I kept wanting to call “Nanci”. And Rosie, the cat-butt sniffing Red Tick Hound. Strangers in the shop are sometimes, eh, a thing; a dog is always welcome.

In 5 minutes they didn’t feel like strangers, and we had a lively conversation about boats and gear and outfitting and, kinda like threads and discussions here, wandering far flung into all manner of things.

I scored a couple of book recommendations; this one will be on inter-library loan as soon as the bedside table diminishes in height.

Nature Wars

I did manage to foist off a couple of the way-too-freaking-many minicel cylinders from cutting canoe consoles (the lid on that box almost closes now, and I only dropped a couple small pieces of minicel on Nancy’s head while getting that box down). And, more usefully, a couple of the minicel barrel wedges from the same band saw production line (those are going fast, only 30 left!)

They (including Rosie who became fixated on the shop cat door. . . . .Sniff, sniff. . . .smell like cat butt!) were largely nonplussed* by shenanigans, and may have come away with some outfitting and DIY ideas. With their kith and kin and friends around my area I expect I’ll see them again

*Nancy was a little “plussed” when I snuck up beside her and said “OK, so you have to tell me if you’re a cop. Right?

Nancy, remind me and I’ll turn on the thousands of white twinkle lights on the shop ceiling next time
Mike, that was very kind of you to drop what you were doing to visit with us. Thank you!

I'm about half surprised that Rosie didn't get her head stuck in the kitty door....she had it in there nearly to her shoulders a few times. She was still whining as we went up the driveway.

And Nancy enjoyed the visit, too. At least now she realizes that I'm not the only whack-job around.

By the way, I think I left a red Duluth jacket on one of the boats just inside the door. If I did please box it up and let me know how much it weighs and I'll email you a shipping label.

We got back home mid-afternoon and had to get right to shopping as we're hosting New Year's dinner tomorrow. While at the local Walmart I just found out that Walmart sent the minical floor mats I ordered to the Auburn, NY store and not the King, NC store.... Even after 2-1/2 years their website can't get it through it's little digital brain that we live in and shop in North Carolina now and not in New York anymore. I had to cancel the order and reorder.....

I was a bad boy and you'll have to give me a (gentle?) kick in the rear when we next meet. I had some blocks of smoked cheese for you and forgot all a bout them. Sorry! :( I'll just have to "take one for the team" and eat them myself. :p Remind me next time though and I'll smoke more. Or maybe bring some homemade sausage or bacon or back bacon or....

Best regards to all and best wishes for a happy and blessed year in 2020.


EDIT: Oops! I just found out that the coat is at my nephew's place. He's mailing it back....
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that was very kind of you to drop what you were doing to visit with us.

I’m glad I did. The project I was working on became a nightmare of unexpected complexities, and I needed to slow down and walk away “Let’s take a break and think about overcoming this difficulty before I do anything stupid” for the last two days.

Sometimes slower is faster, especially when you don’t have to go back and spend twice the time correcting some screw up.

I had some blocks of smoked cheese for you and forgot all a bout them.

S’ok, I had the camera out and forgot to take a single photo. Of Rosie; I had a release form and ink pad ready for her paw print.
So I am a poler and I applied https://www.prostripe.com/safety-tread/ to the floor and chines of my canoe between the yoke and the kneeling thwart. It is a non-abrasive stick down tape as per the website here. It is great for poling grip but I can't speak for the dog. Any foam down there under foot, even dense form might give too much grip and be a tripping hazard. I know that sounds odd, but you want your feet to grip but not held. Just a thought.
Thanks, Steve

I just got the EVA foam tiles from Walmart that Mike pointed me to a few days ago. I'll be tinkering with them in the near future.

Best regards to all,
