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Nokomis Build

Your coming along pretty quick. Can you tell us some more about the design? Did you start with another canoe and modify it or is this yours from scratch? Does it have any intended use or is it just canoe #15? Also, does this mean you aren't going to build the sport boat?
Hi Muskrat

Back in 2000, I was searching for plans similar to the Bell Magic. I noticed while a lot of my plans were somewhat similar, They didn't have the flat bottom, nor the tumblehome, of the Magic.
It was easy to flatten the bottom, but matching the tumblehome would be tough. I didn't think I needed that much tumblehome, so this is what I came up with.

This will be #23 for me. I still plan to build a sport canoe. Did you get plans ?

I didn't end up sending off for plans yet. I did send off for the Chapelle drawings of birchbark canoes from the Smithsonian. I figure that should keep me busy with skin on frames for a while.
Here's where I'm at tonite, should have been further, but too many distractions.
I tilt my strongback to make it easy to glue and strip the foot ball.

I need two more strips, before I cut my center line, I see many people strip past center, in the middle. To me it's hard to fit the final strips when I go to the other side. So I stop about two or three strips short. I'll show some better pics later, when I get there.

Centerline cut, floor cleaned up, and just started stripping the other side, when I cut the first strip too short.
Tomorrow !

Lost an old friend ! My Yellow 1/4" stapler, died. I called in the second string, an Aluminum Stanley stapler. I know it doesn't match my other Yellow Stanley, but that's life !

Did I say how much I like cardboard on my floor ? When I drop tools, they don't break, and it's easier on my body !

Here's a few pics.

Once you get the other side done to where this side is, just drop in some clear plexiglas and you can watch the underwater world go by!
I have thought of that, and it would be awesome ! Problem with me, I'd be looking down about the time a big low hanging branch passed by ! Ha !

I have thought of that, and it would be awesome ! Problem with me, I'd be looking down about the time a big low hanging branch passed by ! Ha !


The real problem around here would be finding any clear water!

Problem with me, I'd be looking down about the time a big low hanging branch passed by ! Ha !

Been there, done that, got fascinated by a piece of old tarp this summer, and got ejected by an old cedar. Should have taken my ritalin that day!
I've been dumped a few times, more times than I'd like to tell about, and they were all MY fault. Not so much branches, as rocks, mid stream.
I look back on them with fondness now ! HA !
No drugs involved !
Here's where I'm at today.

The dark strip on the left towards center, looks out of place. It was the first strip I cut from a plank, and so looks weathered.
Hopefully when sanded, it should blend in.
All in all, Nokomis stripped up great.
I was told on another site, that according to Longfellow's poem, Nokomis was the Grandmother of Hiawatha, and the daughter of the Moon.
So I plan to incorporate a moon design in the very center.
Hopefully tomorrow !

Sorry Mihun ! No Plexiglas. I still think it would be cool !

Looks great. Looking forward to seeing your final design after I wake up from my toffee coma. ;)

Glued up a panel, and cut out the moon. Every thing needs to be fitted.

Put a black dot in the center and you've got yourself an eyeball!

Geez, I thought it might be a crescent moon like in an outhouse. But of course, you will always be mooning someone.
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Looks great Jim. Would be cool to put different moon phases in or maybe build in a sundial so you always know what time it is when you're tripping. Although paddling our central rivers in the summer it always seems like noon. It seems I'm usually trying to hug the bank's of the Kaw to either stay out of the wind or to glide under one of the few overhanging trees for a couple seconds of shade.
I did give some thought to the shape of the moon. Half, crescent, or full. Full won out.

Sundial on a thwart would look cool. Functionality, would be another issue.

I'm planning on a star configuration on the flotation chambers, but that's down the road.

Thanks for the ideas, especially beings I haven't glued it in yet.

Finished pulling staples today. Love my Stanley-Bostitch staple puller, and a can of staples, just the right size to hold one canoes worth of staples, and I have the lid, so they won't accidentally get spilled.

The other tool is a Japanese Saw Rasp. I love this thing, It works great to fair, and shape my hulls !
One side rough sanded. Can't believe this Great weather. Will finish sanding tomorrow outside. Cold seems to make sanding easier.
A couple of pics.

I went through maybe 20, 40 grit discs on my RO to get it rough smooth, now I'm into fairing putty since I need most of the imperfections to not show with how I plan to paint it. That Japanese Rasp looks like it would tear out the wood. I have a pair of small cutters that were modified for pulling brass tacks that I used to pull staples, worked well enough.