• Happy National Banana Bread Day! 🍌🍞

new solo coming

Instead of drilling two holes for each cord loop for anchor points for the bag cage, you can also drill just one. Then, simply run the cord in/out through the holes in one long strand, and slip the cage cord under the inside parts of the cord in such a way that tension keeps it up against the holes (a zigzag pattern works for me). It leaves cordage showing intermittently on the outside of the hull - but, who cares? I'll have to see if I have some pics of the Prospector rigged this way.

Glenn - I like your bucket seat idea. Any current source? I now have a Mad River Guide that needs outfitting, and I think all of this thread is applicable. Also - where are you finding neoprene stock?

In answer to my own question - a similar bucket seat is offered by Hemlock....

And now let's see if I can post a photo of the bag cage anchor system I described.....

Click image for larger version  Name:	2018_0331_15545400.jpg Views:	1 Size:	397.6 KB ID:	79573

The cord is knotted with a loop at each end on the inside and threaded through holes with 3" spacing. The actual cage cord is just laced through the alternating inside loops. I didn't even bother to lace this one in a manner to force the cage cord into any particular relationship with the holes - just zig-zag pattern and let it position itself on the loops where it may. Another loop of cord runs through the same holes with the grab loop, and secures a fastex buckle inside that anchors the stem end of the center strap.

Click image for larger version  Name:	2018_0331_14171300.jpg Views:	1 Size:	221.6 KB ID:	79574

Thanks,Glenn! I do like 1/2" neoprene better than minicell.
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I have plans for the outside cord loops. They will anchor velcro tabs on the spray covers My Darling Bride is making for me. What color? Decisions.....
In one of my old solos I drilled holes right through the hull composite, the other one has little plastic loops screwed into the wood gunwales. I am leaning toward the loops, but not sure yet. Hard to drill through a new hull. Nice thing is, I have both of those old solos, so no big hurry to outfit the new canoe. thanks for the opinions, everyone.
Yeah, Larry. Drilling the holes in the hull is a commitment, and requires some intestinal fortitude. I've drilled three hulls thus so far - two RX and one, a brand new composite. The holes themselves don't bother me once they're there. It's the measuring, marking, and drilling process. Almost a religious ritual type process for me. The prep takes way more time than the drilling. Measure twice - cut once? No. Measure four or five times....Coffee between measuring and marking. I do the marking on masking tape, in case there's a mistake that I have to peel off and do over. Sometimes a day or two to think about it.....Then....drill the marks through the tape.

First time I did it, I fretted for a while over whether a hole might tear out under cord tension. Not to worry. Hasn't happened with any hull I own or have seen. The Outrage - which was done by a previous owner - had the bag cage so tightly strung when I got it that it warped the gun'ls. Holes all intact.
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