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New Administrator

Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Appleton, Maine
The site is looking for a new administrator and ownership, free. Please send me a message if interested via contact us at the bottom of this page. Please, only contact me if you are interested. You also must be a somewhat active member.
My friend, Doug Doremus (DougD) has stepped forward to take over the site as Administrator and eventual owner. Doug and I have known each other for over 20 years, we camped together on quite a few occasions and have probably even shared a beer or two.
This might sound like "yea, yea, we know" but I really can't think of anyone I would rather have take my place here. He has many friends in the canoe world, he is a tripper of the first rank and a poler right up there with the best. He has the perfect temperament and IT experience to make the site better than ever.
I look forward to his tenure and I will give him the same support I have received from this outstanding group of people.
It's been a fun ride, the support and attaboys from the membership has always been a great boost when things got a little crazy and that is very much appreciated.
Finally, I have made quite a few new friends and memories here, many more than I deserve. For that I will always be in your debt.
Happy to see the site get passed along rather than forsaken. Good for you in taking care of it, Robin. You've done a wonderful job during your tenure. I've spent many happy hours here.

All hail King DougD!

Thanks for everything Robin. You did a great service to our way of life (canoetripping) through this site. Enjoy passing some time in your boat shed putting life back into those WC canoes and hope to get a chance to paddle in your company again real soon.

Happy for your sake that you found a new person to take over. You've done a terrific job with the site throughout your tenure as administrator. Thanks so much!

Thank you Robin for allowing me to take over! I have some big shoes to fill as you have brought this site back and made it one of the best on the web. The amount of information, skills, offering to share those skills and information has made this a site that quite frankly no other offers. From strip building to trip reports to making mistakes with resin it is all covered here and that fountain of information I feel needs to continue. I have a lot to learn about running this place so please bear with me as Robin will be helping me out as the transition is in progress. I have a lot to learn on the back end!

One of the things I've always enjoyed about Canoetripping is the friendly feeling in posts and I can say that isn't always true on other canoeing sites. I want to keep it that way, the way Robin has set it up. I have no hard feelings about kayaks, hell, I've owned a few, don't ask about my roll though but this site is about canoeing in every aspect. Basically if it ain't broke don't fix it so that is route I'm going. So please let's all keep up with what we've been doing during Robin's tenure because it seems to work and please keep posting about your builds, fixes, new shed builds, paddle building, knife making, excellent and detailed trip reports and so much more. I've learned a lot from all of you and look forward to my daily visits. Keep this in mind, an admin only plays one role but all of you who post here and offer your insights are the backbone of this website and you are the most important players in keeping us going.

Again a big Thank You to Robin for keeping this going.

Best wishes Robin, and welcome Doug. Now that you two have swapped seats, let's hit the drive-thru for coffee, and keep on keepin' on.
Fantastic news for you and us all really. I recall Richard from MyCCR who had a passion for the site and eventually became so overwhelmed with all the hassle of running the site he had no choice but to walk away. And even after new ownership has not been heard from since in an online capacity.

A big big heartfelt thank you to Robin for all you have done here and a grand welcome to Doug.
Whew. I was going to go through withdrawal if this site had met its demise.

Thank you Robin for your time at the helm. Kudos Sir.

Thank you Doug for now taking your watch at the helm. Please don't hesitate to voice how we as participants here, can help to keep the site financially sound and running smooth.
Thanks everyone for the warm response. As a future member of this site, I have a lot to share. My interests lie with wood canvas canoes and tripping and I will make a special effort to support the new admin with everything I can, from my shop, to my days on the trail. It's going to be a good future.
It's all been said, and I just want to Echo it !
I've noticed lately, that I have much less trouble, correcting my mistakes, while typing ! Before it seemed like my Old High School English Teacher was haunting my key board, and punishing me for making mistakes ! ! :o

Again ! If funds are needed, just ring the bell !

Guessing Robin will be able to ramp up his Wood Canvas work, and be tripping more !

Thanks !

If the frustration level of something begins to exceed the satisfaction level, it's probably wise to move on. It's encouraging to know that you can get out of some things in eight hours without any money or bloody lawyers involved.

It wasn't thus in 2012. Robin is to be thanked for taking ownership, in a process that took months, during a very stressful and confused time after the original owner of this site, Willis Brown, died in an unspeakable tragedy. We were largely a bunch of people with fewer computer skills than the average nine year old trying to keep this site alive. Robin stepped up.

In my opinion, one of the most important things Robin did was to firmly anchor the ethos of this site in the historical traditions of open canoeing -- wood, canvas, varnish, paint, leather, and single blade technique -- even though many members have adopted other materials and techniques. Canoeing is a bridge from past to future, and it all is interesting.

Welcome to Doug, a brave adventurer indeed. Don't be shy about asking for opinions, advice or money. A lot of us think of this place as a community, one that we're all ultimately just passing through.
The crap that happens when you take a few days off. My very first thought was...he will have tons of time for fun things like building canoes and tripping. Back roading. Commando camping. Nice. A bad day will mean cooking up some venison in the shop and surfing google maps.
Thanks for all the hard work and friendly banter Robin. Now sit back and chill a bit eh.

Robin, you have created a very welcoming environment for us to tell a few stories related to canoes and maintained a fine site here! A huge Thanks for doing that! Glad that you will now have more time for the trip reports and videos! Hint Hint! Will look forward to the new admin Doug! Welcome to the new role.
Thanks Robin and the CT community for getting this site going over the past few years. I believe I have started the transition from kayaking to more of an open pack boat and canoeing after reading so many wonderful posts. I actually went on my own "Pack" tripping adventure this evening. Will somehow get that "surprise" out soon.
Thank you DougD for continuing this awesome site.
Alan, I like that commercial "Dilly, Dilly". Funny
Well this is great news. The site remains and does so in capable hands. A tip o' the hat to Robin for all his work and perseverance. We owe you a big one, sir.
Wow - great news - Doug will do a great job. I just started coming here recently, and I don't know why I waited so long. Great group, great site great admin's. Thanks Robin and good luck Doug.