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Need advice to repair cracked inwale

Pending what I see after using the dental pick and freeing up the gunwale, I'm probably going with unthickened G/flex for the initial infusion.

I was just commenting that the instructions point out the now-obvious to me: that the tapered syringe nozzle can be clipped for a bigger opening, if necessary, to accommodate thickened G/flex.

But the instructions don't say whether the syringe, mixing cups and mixing sticks can be cleaned up somehow for re-use. Any words of experience on this issue before I begin my exercise in pig slop?
Yes, they can be cleaned up. Go to the store and buy a bottle of white vinegar. Wipe out the mixing cups and wipe off the mixing spatulas with a paper towel, then rinse them with vinegar. The syringes are more difficult but you can take the plunger out and wipe out as much epoxy residue with a paper towel as possible, then draw vinegar up into them repeatedly. Take the plunger back out for the syringe to dry. The vinyl plug on the syringe plunger will swell a bit and be tight the next time you use the syringe, but I find I can use them at least a few times this way.
As far as cutting the tip on the syringe, don't use your swiss army scissors, use a nail clipper or toe nail clippers or a sharp knife.

White vinegar? I was going to use acetone. I'll have both standing by. Also my Benchmade knives.

Here are some more of the required tools and materials I've acquired for the job, at a total price possibly exceeding what I would have paid for an inwale splice by our local wooden boat pro.


The wildly overpriced Home Depot tape is closest thing I could find to old fashioned paper masking tape. Enough to last me a decade.

Idaho Steve says I need a clamp in my life. Maybe. We'll see how long it stays in my life after the job is complete. The tag is staying on.

The third item is my own extemporaneous jury-rig. The experts say I need wax paper to prevent the clamp from getting G/flexed to the gunwale. WAX PAPER? These people are obviously very old with some left over wax paper from their grandmother's kitchen. No one has had wax paper since the Eisenhower presidency. Well, maybe it's available in packages of 400 sheets, which would last me 20,000 years.

My paper is what the deli in my supermarket uses. I don't know if it's waxed. Who cares. It's got a coating that's surely impervious to mere epoxy: Boar's Head lite braunschweiger liverwurst grease. If it doesn't work, that just means that we'll need Boar's Head full fat braunschweiger liverwurst paper for the next job.

It's supposed to be over 70 tomorrow here in cold New England. So that will be the day for the Wild Colonial Boy to get his Botox injections.
Do you know how the damage occurred? I had a very similar looking break once and this is how it happened. It was a freakish accident and a lesson learned. My son borrowed my canoe. When he was loading up to head home he had the canoe tied down on the rack except he forgot to tie off the bow line to the bumper of my pick up. As he was driving away the front tire ran over the bow line forcing the bow of the canoe down to the fender of the truck and cracking the gunwales. It did some damage to the hull too. And the truck as well. My auto insurance paid the full cost of replacing the gunwales and the fiberglass repair. I wonder if something like that caused your damage.
Well, it was yesterday that Glenn was scheduled to fix the split on his canoe. Does anyone live near him that could go check and see if he's glued himself to the canoe?
I'm generally all for letting somebody work out their own solutions but what with fall coming on and the nights getting colder just letting things go seems a little hard. Plus it's a nice canoe and no matter what happened to Glenn it's still valuable.

Milk of human kindness by the quart in every vein, Rob
All right Glenn, five pages of foreplay is enough, it's time to make the springs squeak!

Perhaps Glenn ought to just close his eyes and think of England, although one should never glue anything with one's eyes closed. By George! I think Glenn's got it. I had no idea OM had a soft and sensitive side ( and a little randy to boot).
Why do I feel in need of a cold shower this morning?

ps I'm in the habit of spending other people's $$ but rarely my own. I like the sound of brand new rails, as Charlie Wilson suggests.
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I still haven't begun. I have to do it outdoors and am waiting for a warm sunny day when it won't rain overnight. Two days from now sounds good on my crystal weather radio.

I have poked around with the dental scraper/pick. That was a great tool idea from scoutergriz. The curved tip really gets into the hidden places. I'm not sure there's much wood left in that four inch section other than the outer shell of the inwale.

Meanwhile I've been thinking about injecting some G/flex into the wrinkles on my face with one of those syringes. Smooth skin may help me beat out OM for a date with Julie Andrews.
