So I have this Old Town Tripper that developes a bad case of oil can whenever it is taken out on the water unloaded. This got worse and worse as my little son developed into a strapping young man and put more and more weight out in the bow. It is almost to the point of being hog-backed, so I pulled the barge out yesterday for some experimental medicine before deciding whether or not to keep her.
I figure that a tighter cross section will stiffen the bottom a bit, so I pulled the yoke, thwart, and seats to shorten them all up. I chopped the yoke by three inches and the rear thwart by 1.5 inches. This matched up with the gunnel width at the bow seat after being moved rearward by about 8 inches. It really brought in the sides, giving some tumblehome to the hull. The bottom now has the shallowest of arches instead of the flat to negative arch from before. It does look like I lost about a quarter inch of rocker out near the stems.
I drilled double holes for hardware in the thwart and yoke, which will hopefully stiffen things up even more. I haven't decided what to do about the rear seat yet. I have a much more comfortable unit laying around gathering dust. I'm thinking about moving it way up to about where the thwart used to be so the boat can be used solo. Moving it up with the bow seat moving back should even further reduce the tendency to oil can. If it doesn't work, I can sell it to someone who wants a project. The hull was creased (wrapped?) before I bought it, so I'm not desecrating some pristine piece.
Your thoughts?
I can get some more pictures if someone wants them for whatever reason.

I figure that a tighter cross section will stiffen the bottom a bit, so I pulled the yoke, thwart, and seats to shorten them all up. I chopped the yoke by three inches and the rear thwart by 1.5 inches. This matched up with the gunnel width at the bow seat after being moved rearward by about 8 inches. It really brought in the sides, giving some tumblehome to the hull. The bottom now has the shallowest of arches instead of the flat to negative arch from before. It does look like I lost about a quarter inch of rocker out near the stems.
I drilled double holes for hardware in the thwart and yoke, which will hopefully stiffen things up even more. I haven't decided what to do about the rear seat yet. I have a much more comfortable unit laying around gathering dust. I'm thinking about moving it way up to about where the thwart used to be so the boat can be used solo. Moving it up with the bow seat moving back should even further reduce the tendency to oil can. If it doesn't work, I can sell it to someone who wants a project. The hull was creased (wrapped?) before I bought it, so I'm not desecrating some pristine piece.
Your thoughts?
I can get some more pictures if someone wants them for whatever reason.