I imagine the tuff stuff from Noa is pretty good from what I hae seen but holy cow, that is getting pricey. Look at that nice little clipper for $2k. People should learn to be a little more careful with their boats and then they would not need Royalex, tuff stuff, et al.
Tuff stuff is nothing new and sure not Nova craft invention. Hellman canoe in Nelson BC have done that for 20 years. So is Souris river out east. Nothing new there but yes it is pricier, but last way longer, is way lighter, faster on the water, and easier to fix so really it is a cheeper boat!!
As for school, I would go the route Mem is thinking of, a good glass boat will last 100 years. Look at the Clipper Yukon, a great canoe for a school, and I'm sure that if you talk to Marlyn, he could give a "club" discount!! Same with Bob at Hellman. These guys are all about having there boats out there!!
I never been a fan of Rx boat still not. Heavy, slow, oil can like crazy, hard to fix, and when the core is shot, the boat pretty much become a planter box and an ugly one at that!!
Just my 2 cents of cours!!
I like Alan's idea to have the kids build boats, and to sell them!!
http://urbanboatbuilders.org Super light weight, cheep to build, and fast to build to!! They von't do great in ww, but for every thing else, they would do just fine!!