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Hello from the Great White North, eh?!

Sep 23, 2015
Reaction score
Toronto, ON Canada
Hiiiii, everybody!
My name is Tierney. I was referred to this forum by a member on a different site, and it looks great! I'm so excited to talk canoes and tripping with all of you here.
I currently live in Toronto, Ontario, but I grew up in a smaller town about an hour's drive north of the city, where there was nothing to do but go play in the forest. I still spend all of my free time playing in the forest, but now I access it by canoe whenever possible. My canoe/life partner, Andrew, and I have ironically named our canoe The Happy Adventure after Farley Mowat's Boat Who Wouldn't Float, and thankfully she has not lived up to her namesake.
I recently created a new blog because my old one was really ugly and annoying to use, so if you're interested in checking out some of my trip reports/recipes/biased and unhelpful gear reviews you can find them at the link I've attached here.
Lovely to meet you all! Happy paddling!
-Tierney, Tearknee, Tea, etc
Hi from south of the border. I too live at latitude an hour north of Toronto but way far east and on the other side of the border.
Welcome, we're headed right past you tomorrow with the morning rush headed for Rt 400. Your blog looks very interesting.
Welcome Tierney, I read your TR of "2 weeks in Temagami" over at CCR's and I really enjoyed it, your Blog is nice too, good job. I hope you continue to share your adventures with us, most of us (but not all) read and enjoy trip reports and experiences out there so please share. Thanks
Welcome. I scanned through your blog. I've had good luck with frozen beers too. I was sceptical at first. Even if the taste is slightly off there is no telling when you're days out on the water. I notice you suggest beers with 5% abv or less. I actually noticed that light beers are more likely to pop in the freezer.
Hi Tierney, and welcome. I really enjoyed your Temagami TR. And no, I'm not sadistic. I'm just glad that I'm not the only one who enjoys getting muddy, wet, hot, cold, sweaty, tired, hungry, bug bitten, bruised...hold it. Maybe I am a little sadistic.
Anyway, I say welcome, from an hour south of you.
Welcome. This is the place to be for tripping addicts. Looking forward to more reports with The Happy Adventure.
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!

Muskrat: A 5% beer seems to work perfectly for us. I've found that a higher alcohol beer doesn't fully freeze, so it doesn't work as well as an ice pack. And if any beers freeze too quickly, that's when the explosions seem to happen. The freezer door works well (at least in my terribly cheap refrigerator with lousy insulation).

Thanks, Odyssey! We're not sadists; we just enjoy a challenge! The reward and sense of accomplisment is worth the hardships, in my opinion.

So nice to see people from all over the continent on this blog. It's very interesting to get a different perspective on tripping instead of just Algonquin PP styles.