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GGTBod's 2016 Adirondack Adventure

Dyslexia Rules, what can I say, my grammar isn't so hot either.

I'm a fussy speller, but being keyboard challenged doesn't help. I need to watch the keys as I poke them with two fingers, looking up once in awhile to see my success-failure results. Spell-check is frustrating when I purposely want to get "creative" with words, but I lean on it often, and then it lets me down with woods that down make cents. Just my long winded way of saying sweeper, I think we all suffer from a variety of e-dyslexia in front of the keyboard.
Then you had me on the other end thinking it was a slang terminology/language barrier thing and Sweeper was referencing the shape of my tarp setup forming perfect water traps if one wanted to collect rainwater, my confusion and subsequent jumping to the conclusion that the local slang where he is from this is just called a trap and running with it, ie ;- "Nice trap set up there" "Yeah i like collecting rainwater to drink and this set up works a treat" you can even see in my replies after that me referring to the set up shape as a trap

Hey Odyssey at least you've gotten past the hunt and peck type style, took me ages to get past that style
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Slang and expressions. Must be careful with those. When I was a young teen some new neighbours arrived down the road, and like all rural folk, we soon met them to trade family backgrounds and forge new friendships. Mr & Mrs N were from Manchester. It was only a matter of time before they had us all hooked watching Coronation Street, walking the walk and talking the talk. To this day one of my brothers will sometimes accidentally let slip a "OY! You play'n silly beggars?!" The most awkward one was Mrs N constantly affectionately calling us "duckie", or "luvy". That's something a boy from the sticks doesn't want to use casually in a pond hockey game.
Good morning ye fine folks of Canoe Tripping dot net, I finally got myself back in the editing chair properly and finished the third video from my 2016 Adirondack adventure, after this my adventures are solo for a bit and i will be in the Bog River Flow area where I met Robin and Kevin and Dave and all the other fine folks i met on Bushcrsaft USA forum.

But I digress that is not this video, this is this video

Exploring Little Forked Lake by canoe on the 15th October 2016

more coming soon, as always I'd really appreciate any feedback
Good one, nice weather for sure, could of used a few days like that at Lows to "charge" our batteries.
What is that around your neck, looks like your passport and plane tickets home..haha, nice job and looking forward to more.
Cheers Robin, the thing around my neck is my cellphone in a submersible case that allows me to still use it as a camera and such without getting it out near water, inside with my phone is my fishing permit the bright yellow thing
Nice day paddle in good autumn weather. "Taking it all in." Soak it up, savour it, and store it till next time. I try to do that too.
It was good to hear you two talking; it helps to feel part of the trip. But the mic picked up a lot of water/hull noises. Still it was good to sit on the gunnel and go out for a paddle. I enjoyed that Bod, looking forward to more vids.
Thanks for watching and giving feedback, the hull noises were driving me half crazy at first but I can't change them so just slowly learning to accept them, i had no idea at the time the camera was picking this up transmitting through the camera mount clamps, i'll be looking at insulating the clamps against this next time or buying/making better clamps. i'm sure it will get better and easier as i keep doing this thing, this is only my second attempt at videoing and sharing my adventures and last time i didn't have any mounts or clamps at all for my camera so this problem is a new one that came with the new tech, teething problems, i really enjoyed making this video more than stressing whilst making it, the learning curve turns
No need to stress about it Bod. Thanks for posting your vids. I sit here on a peaceful Sunday morning, look outside at the deep snow I just shovelled, glance back to the laptop screen and my morning paddle down Fork Lake, and all is good.
Actually, while I'm blabbing about it, I've been admiring many different vids over the past few weeks and thought "Why don't I take a crack at this? My p&s camera will shoot video." So you and everyone else are waaaay ahead of me on the video learning curve.
You should go for it, I can tell you one thing i have noticed so far, it is comical how much of a challenge it is doing normal everyday things you can do without hardly even thinking the second you turn the camera on, it is like trying to do a jump on your bike in front of your favourite girl when you were 12, suddenly everything matters hahaha even though it totally doesn't and the only thing really that has changed is that you have pressed a couple of buttons before you started your task and you are trying to show and explain this task to an inanimate object
I've had a look at several and either way it is several hundred bucks lighter in the wallet and so far have not been able to find one to suit me needs, essential it is 1. A waterproof version and 2. A one that is USB rechargeable so i can get more than a single battery charge use out of it in the field. I have a non electric handheld gimbal device which is like a steadycam thing but it uses the human operating it as the balancing engine.

I am thinking a nice piece of dense foam mounted in each side of the jaws of the clamps might act as a good muffler