We have a little bit of flowing water here, i live on the River Tyne, when the fishing season dictates we have paddle access to certain parts, after a little rain it is a mellow paddle with a few high awareness moments, after a lot of rain it is like a torrent from hell rushing to the ocean and best avoided if you enjoy the thought of staying alive, tonnes of lakes and the famous Lake District within easy driving distance, sadly all of these things so far mentioned are in England and belonged to people long dead whose descendants now own the access rights too, but ........, head a little north from here and you have this amazing invisible line called the Scottish Border, once across this EVERYMAN has the right to roam and free access to any lands and waterways thereof that do not contain a residential property or are fenced off for the purposes of livestock use, so we can wild camp and paddle to our hearts content once across the border as long as we respect the area and leave no trace. I love Scotland, need to head there soon but at this time of year i don't think i'll be paddling, never say never though