Well after everything cooled and contracted last night I did a second pour and added anothe 3/4 of a pound to the ol' roaster. Total now stands at 5 pounds even.
Jim, that sounds about right weight wise for that size roasting pan. Are those Gulf Wax slabs?
I learned some things from your build, like simply melting the wax in the FIAC pot itself instead of using a separate melt pot and ladling out hot wax (well duh, that’s easier). Pouring hot wax may have one advantage. I pour the hot wax over and into the corrugations to help fill those voids (it still settles and need at least a 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] pour).
I think it helps to have the exposed wick waxy all the way to the top of the cardboard, so that when you light it it doesn’t burn off too much wick before it melts at the base and begins to suck up hot wax.
I like the oval and cross design, it looks Celtic somehow, and the Peace Symbol design idea as well. What’s next?
The next one I make will have some recognizable wick design. Cool idea, thanks.
I’m psyched to see some photo of the inaugural burn. If you like the final result just stick the PIAC in an old stuff bag with some feeder bricks and you are ready to blaze up anywhere at a moment’s notice.
BTW, the first burn takes longer to get going, but after that once the wick is charred it blazes up quite fast the next time(s).